Hafan y Blog

Cofnodion blodau cyntaf yr Alban!

Catalena Angele, 7 Mawrth 2014

Llongyfarchiadau i Ysgol Gynradd Ladywell am fod yr ysgol gyntaf o’r Alban i anfon eu cofnodion blodau! Anfonodd Ysgol Gynradd Lakeside, Caerdydd eu cofnodion blodau cyntaf hefyd – agorodd eu crocws cyntaf a’u cennin Pedr cyntaf yn yr un wythnos! Da iawn chi gyfeillion y gwanwyn.

Tair wythnos… Dyddiad cau anfon eich cofnodion tywydd a blodau ata i yw dydd Gwener 28 Mawrth, felly dim ond tair wythnos sydd ar ôl!

Os ydych chi wedi bod yn cadw cofnodion ond heb eu hanfon nhw eto cofiwch frysio – mae pob un o’ch cofnodion tywydd a blodau yn bwysig i fi! Bydd pob cofnod anfonwch chi ata i yn gwneud Ymchwiliad Bylbiau’r Gwanwyn yn well ac yn fwy cywir.

Os nad ydy’ch blodau wedi agor eto, peidiwch poeni. Gall tipyn ddigwydd mewn tair wythnos, yn enwedig os bydd yr haul yn tywynnu!

Hoffech ddefnyddio’ch planhigion i gynnal Astudiaeth Gwyddoniaeth Gwych? Rydw i wedi casglu rhai syniadau ar gyfer arbrofion allwch chi eu cynnal yn y dosbarth! Allwch chi dwyllo eich crocws? All eich cennin Pedr symud? Edrychwch ar Syniadau Athro'r Ardd am brojectau ymchwil. Yn ogystal ag arbrofion cyffrous, gallwch chi hefyd ddarllen fy hoff gerdd Saesneg! Cennin Pedr yw’r testun, a dyma’r pennill cyntaf:



I wander’d lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

gan William Wordsworth (1770-1850).


Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl ysgrifennu cerdd am y gwanwyn? Neu beth am gerdd i’ch hoff blanhigyn? Rhowch gynnig ar farddoni!

Your questions, my answers:

Ladywell Primary School: We have had our computer system upgraded in school and it has been difficult for us to send weekly weather reports because we lost a lot of data which was stored on our apple mac and which we cant convert to PC. However we have been taking temperatures and it has not really been cold and we have had a lot of rain. Some of our plants didn't grow very well but our first daffodil opened today 25th February and it is 28 cm tall. We have another one about to open and some others not far away. We hope this is ok with you and we will send more information soon. Prof P: Sorry to hear you have had computer trouble Ladywell School, don’t worry, I completely understand. Thanks very much for sending your first flower record! Keep up the good work and send in your other flower records when they open.

Lakeside Primary: Daffodil comment: Only one is open and the one that has opened has only got half a pot of compost, we think it was knocked over and some soil lost so perhaps less soil has led to quicker flowering, but why? Prof P: Great question Lakeside! Do you have any ideas? This is my theory: A bulb closer to the surface may flower sooner because it warms up quicker and has less soil to push through when it starts to grow. So why don’t we plant them all close to the surface? Well, if there is a very cold winter the frost can damage bulbs that are too close to the surface, and then they may not grow at all.

The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School: We all brought our wellies into school this week so that we can go out and look at our bulbs whatever the weather. We went to check on them all on Friday and measured how tall the leaves were, and started recording them in a table like we had been doing in maths. We hope to do this every week now then we can make a graph of the results. Still no sign of flowers yet! Prof P: What a fantastic idea! I love making graphs, they are a great way to see what the numbers are telling me. You must be very dedicated scientists to bring your wellies in to school so you can measure your leaves. Well done, I am very impressed!

Diolch yn fawr

Athro'r Ardd

Catalena Angele

Swyddog Addysg - Casgliad y Werin Cymru
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.