: Addysg

Oes y Tywysogion

Joe Lewis, 28 Awst 2019

Dros Nos yn Llys Llywelyn

Mae Amgueddfa Cymru yn edrych ymlaen at lansio ein rhaglen aros dros nos yn Llys Llywelyn yr haf hwn.

Ail-gread yw Llys Llywelyn o un o Lysoedd Tywysogion Gwynedd yn y 13eg ganrif. Mae wedi'i seilio ar weddillion Llys Rhosyr yn ne-orllewin Ynys Môn.

Bydd cyfle i ysgolion aros dros nos yn Llys Llywelyn rhwng Ebrill a Hydref. Yn ystod y dydd bydd y grŵp yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy chwarae rôl i ddysgu mwy am fywyd yn Llys Llywelyn. Gyda'r nos bydd cyfle i weld tu ôl i'r llenni yn Sain Ffagan, chwarae gemau canoloesol a chysgu gan drawstiau lliwgar yr adeilad hynod hwn.

Mae'r pecyn yn cynnwys gweithdy awr o hyd, gweithgareddau hunan-arwain gyda'r nos, swper, siocled poeth, brecwast a llety dros nos.

Chwilio am nawdd i aros dros nos yn Llys Llywelyn? Gall ysgolion wneud cais am grant Ewch i Weld i fynychu sefydliadau diwylliannol.

Adnoddau Dosbarth

Yn ogystal ag adeilad y Llys ei hun, rydym wedi cynhyrchu pecyn o adnoddau dosbarth sy'n dysgu mwy am Oes y Tywysogion.

Cydweithiodd Amgueddfa Cymru â Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Cadw a Chomisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru i gynhyrchu'r adnoddau. Rhannwyd yr adnoddau yn 6 thema, gyda gweithgareddau dosbarth posibl ar gyfer hyd at 5 gwers i bob thema:
Trosolwg, Tystiolaeth, Bywyd Bod Dydd, Cestyll a Llysoedd, Rheolwyr Cymru, a Choncwest Cymru. Mae'r adnoddau i gyd yn defnyddio casgliadau o bob sefydliad partner i ddod ag Oes y Tywysogion yn fyw.

Digi Dig 1926! - Llwybr Darganfod Rhufeinig

Danielle Cowell, 13 Awst 2019

Dewch i ailddarganfod trysor Rhufeinig ddaeth i’r fei yng Nghaerllion ym 1926!

Defnyddiwch yr Ap i archwilio'r Amffitheatr a'r Barics yng Nghaerllion. Dilynwch gliwiau a chwrdd â chymeriadau hanesyddol i helpu chi i ddarganfod trysorau'r Amgueddfa - lle cawsant eu darganfod un wreiddiol. Os dewch o hyd iddynt i gyd byddwch yn agor rhith-Amgueddfa Lleng Rufeinig Cymru. Mae'r Ap hwn yn brosiect partneriaeth rhwng Amgueddfa Cymru a Cadw. Mae'n cysylltu trysorau amgueddfeydd â'r lleoedd lle cawsant eu darganfod yn y safleoedd hanesyddol a gynhelir gan Cadw yng Nghaerleon.


Sut i chwarae:

    • Defnyddiwch eich dyfais a'r map trysor i ganfod y chwe chliw cudd yn yr amffitheatr a'r barics.
    • Rhaid i chi gerdded i bob un o'r chwe chliw llun yn y grid.
    • Pan fyddwch chi'n agosáu at y man iawn bydd ceiniog yn ymddangos ar eich dyfais. 
    • Pwyswch y geiniog i weld y cliw a chasglu pob ateb i ganfod yr allwedd sy'n agor yr Amgueddfa Lleng Rufeinig Rithwir.


    Cwestiynau Cyffredin

    • Mae'r ap yn gweithio orau ar Android 4.3 a'r iOS 9.1 neu yn hwyrach. Ni fydd yr ap yn gweithio ar rai ffonau android syml.
    • Mae'r ap yn defnyddio data yn ystod y profiad
    • Os ydych yn cael trafferth lawrlwytho'r ap, sicrhewch fod gennych gysylltiad gwe da a digon o le ar eich ffôn.


    Addasrwydd: Teuluoedd

    Hud: 30-50muned

    Download for iPhone

    Download for Android 

    Pencampwr Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn 2019

    Penny Dacey, 28 Mehefin 2019

    Mae Riley, ddisgybl yn Ysgol Stanford in the Vale, wedi cymryd rhan yn yr ymchwiliad Fylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion am y tair blynedd diwethaf. Mae wedi dangos ymrwymiad arbennig i'r prosiect, ac mae wedi gwneud argraff fawr ar gydlynydd y prosiect drwy ei adborth disgrifiadol a chyfeillgar. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, rhwyf wedi mwynhau darllen diweddariadau wythnosol gan Riley dros y tair blynedd diwethaf.

    Dyma rai o sylwadau gorau Riley:


    • The weather has turned really cold today. Been training people to do this experiment during the week. From Riley xxx
    •  Hello. This week it has not been icy and it has been nice all except today. Hope you have had a nice week. Bye Bye (Riley)
    •  Hello, this week it has been cold and hot and it has been a really good week because we have had a delivery of two new trolleys and we even invested in a wormery which is a big hit with our foundation friends. (Riley)


    • Hi this is Stanford in the vale primary school, we done this amazing project last year .I am Riley one of the gardening club members. I was the one that recorded and submitted this data last year. I loved doing this project last year, I hope I will this year too. I will be also teaching some of my friends how to do this project this year too. Bye Bye Riley (Riley)
    •  Cannot believe this is the last weather reading for this year! We have observed some strange weather patterns this year! Snow - sunshine! (Riley)


    • Happy to restart the project and I am teaching the younger children in the club how to record. Have a good weekend and we will be back next week. Regards Riley (Riley)
    • HI THERE, this week it has been a mixed week and there has been a lot of rain this week and there has been a bit of sun. Today in class we were talking about global warming which is a serious issue which needs to be sorted out. Speak to you next week!

    I ddathlu cyfraniad Riley i'r prosiect, fe ofynnon ni a fyddai'n hapus i ateb rhai cwestiynau a rhoi cipolwg i ni o'i brofiad o gymryd rhan yn yr ymchwiliad.

    Cyfweliad gyda Riley:

    Q. How long have you been involved with the Spring Bulbs for Schools Investigation?

    A. I have been involved in this investigation for three years now.

    Q. What have you enjoyed most about the project?

    A. I’ve mostly enjoyed recording the weather and the rain. I like seeing the difference between the temperatures of different days.

    Q. What do you feel you have gained from the project, have you developed new skills?

    A. Yes, I do think I have gained on this project. I have developed how to record the rain using a gauge and it has helped me using a thermometer more accurately.

    Q. What are your thoughts on Science and Maths?

    A. I am quite interested in both of these subjects, so this has helped me produce a lot more in these subjects.

    Q. What were you feelings towards these subjects before the project, have they changed?

    A. I was feeling quite confident before I started and now I am feeling much more confident about it.

    Q. Were you aware that you were doing math and numeracy during the project?

    A. I was sort of aware that I was using maths and numeracy during the project. I was mostly aware as I was measuring in millimetres and degrees.

    Q. Were you confident taking scientific measurements before the project?

    A. I was a little confident but I wasn’t that sure on it but now I am really happy about it.

    Q. Do you feel these skills have developed through your time on the project?

    A. Yes definitely, before I wasn’t that sure mostly on how to measure the rain and this project has developed my skills on that and developed my skills also in science.

    Q. What advice would you give us to improve or develop the project?

    A. I think it would be good fun if you could give the children some more fun activities or competitions because at the moment you don’t have many.

    Q. You took a leading role, teaching other pupils about the project. Can you tell us a little bit about that experience?

    A. I think it is really fun / exciting teaching other children about this experiment because it makes me feel like it is helping other children develop their science / maths and it makes me think that they could take over the job and become future scientists! 

    Rydym wedi cymryd cyngor Riley, a byddwn yn edrych ar weithgareddau a chystadlaethau newydd y gallwn eu cyflwyno dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.

    Riley yw'r cyntaf i gael ei henwebu fel Pencampwr Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn. Yn y dyfodol, byddwn yn gofyn athrawon i enwebu disgyblion sydd wedi dangos ymrwymiad rhagorol neu wedi datblygu fel canlyniad o'r prosiect, i gael eu cydnabod fel Pencampwr Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn.

    Diolch Riley, a phawb a gyfranogodd i'r prosiect eleni.

    Athro’r Ardd



    SECRET GARDEN: Brian’s Story

    Brian, Volunteer , 26 Mehefin 2019

    My name is Brian and I live in Talbot Green. When I was in school I used to do gardening in Y Pant. In the winter I used to help my dad in the garden.

    I worked in Remploy in Tonyrefail for ten years starting in 1974. We used to do all sorts of jobs. Then I did four years in Llantrisant, and twenty five years in Porth. On Fridays we finished early and went to the pub for lunch. I retired in 2013. I have the opening plaque from when Remploy opened in Porth in 1988. The building has been demolished.

    Since I retired I have done a computer course and a photography course. I have also done pottery and pop art, and I have a big collection of paintings that I have done.

    I came to the Take Charge coffee morning in August 2018 and found out about the chance to help at The Secret Garden at St Fagans National Museum of History. That’s when I decided to start gardening again. I’ve learned about teamwork, we work here in a team.

    I enjoy doing it, I feel happy. I look forward to coming out and abought especially. I feel tired after, but good tired. My favourite job is raking. I’ve learnt that I enjoy volunteering.

    The Secret Garden is maintain and developed by Innovate Trust whose main work is to support people with learning disabilities, mental health issues and people with physical impairments.


    10 YEARS OF TAKING PART: Joe's Story

    Joe Lewis, 26 Mehefin 2019

    Hi pawb, my name is Joe Lewis and I am a Learning Officer at St Fagans National Museum of History. I have been working for Amgueddfa Cymry - National Museum Wales for 10 years this year.

    This year is also 10 years since the volunteering department was set up in National Museum Wales.

    I began my career in Amgueddfa Cymru as a volunteer in the summer of 2009. I volunteered at the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon where I spent the summer dressed as a Roman and engaging with the public. After this experience I was asked to join the pool staff to help facilitate school sessions and public events.  

    Between 2009 – 2011 I did a part-time Masters in Archaeology and volunteered for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, based at National Museum Cardiff. This volunteering role gave me experience in object photography and identification. It was through this experience that I was given the opportunity to catalogue an assemblage of Roman artefacts from Brecon Gaer Roman Fort. This gave me my dissertation topic and later the opportunity to publish 2 papers on Brecon Gaer.

    Before I started volunteering at National Museum Wales I had been unemployed for several months and was suffering with depression. Volunteering helped to give me vital work and academic experience that helped me get a job and out of depression.

    I owe a great deal to the volunteering department for giving me the opportunities I’ve had to lead me to where I am today. A massive thanks to them and a Happy 10th Anniversary!