: Spring Bulbs

Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn ar gyfer Ysgolion

Penny Dacey, 30 Medi 2024

Mae'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd wedi dechrau'n dda. Mae'r Athro'r Ardd a'i gynorthwywyr hapus wedi pacio a dosbarthu 175 o becynnau adnoddau i ysgolion ledled y DU.

Mae'r pecynnau hyn yn cynnwys popeth sydd ei angen ar ysgolion i gymryd rhan yn yr ymchwiliad eleni:

- Pot a bylbiau ar gyfer pob plentyn sy'n cymryd rhan

- Mesur glaw a thermomedr i gofnodi data tywydd

- Calendr i gadw cofnodion tywydd a blodau

- Talebau i brynu compost heb-fawn

- Cynllun Tymor hefo dyddiadau allweddol ar gyfer y project

- Pot gwahanol i gymharu defnydd

- Bylbiau dirgel i ddysgu am wahanol blanhigion 

Ar 21 Hydref (neu'r dyddiad agosaf posib) mae ysgolion yn cael y dasg o blannu eu cennin Pedr  a bylbiau crocws. Dyma'r cam cyntaf y bydd ysgolion yn ei gymryd ar gyfer natur fel rhan o'r project.  Dilynwch y blog hwn a'@Professor_Plant ar X/Twitter i weld y lluniau sy'n cael eu rhannu wrth i ni ddathlu'r plannu torfol hwn.  Bydd @Professor_Plant hefyd yn rhannu diweddariadau rheolaidd gan ysgolion, a gallwn ddathlu gyda nhw pan fydd eu planhigion yn dechrau blodeuo!

Yr adnoddau cyntaf sydd eu hangen ar ysgolion sy'n cymryd rhan yw:

- Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion: Canllaw i athrawon

- Cam 1: Paratoi i plannu (dechrau mis Hydref)

- Cam 2: Diwrnod plannu

Gall pob ysgol ddilyn y prosiect a gallant ddefnyddio'r taflenni gwaith ar y wefan.

Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at rannu'r gwaith y mae ein Gwyddonwyr Gwych yn ei wneud gyda chi.

Athro'r Ardd

Holiday Fun with the Spring Bulbs Investigation

Penny Dacey, 25 Gorffennaf 2024

The Spring Bulbs for Schools Investigation has died down until September, when we will be welcoming our new schools and introducing them to the project.

But there’s lots of fun that can be had over the summer! Explore our website to find activity sheets and games that you can play at home. The origami booklet and Kahoot quizzes are my favourites!

There’s more to explore on the Amgueddfa Cymru Learn pages and the Edina Trust website

Why not have a go at some of our Kahoot quizzes now? Just click the links below to explore!

Quiz 1: When will our daffodils flower 2024? 

Compare weather data for 2023-24 from across the UK and against previous years to predict when daffodils will flower. What do plants need to grow? Which country was the warmest / coldest? Which country had the least rain? 

Quiz 2: Bulb Project Quiz 2023-24 Level 1 

Study bar graphs to deduce which were the wettest and warmest countries. Answer questions about plants. Discover which countries had the most and least rainfall. Discover which countries had the highest and lowest temperatures. 

Quiz 3: Bulb Project Quiz 2023-24 Level 2 

Study bar graphs to deduce national trends in temperature and rainfall. Study units carefully to calculate average monthly rainfall records for Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Work out the monthly temperatures for Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Answer general knowledge questions. 

Quiz 4: Compare weather records from different years 

Study line and bar chats to look for trends in the weather data. Order countries from warmest to coolest. See which years had the most and least rainfall. Deduce which years had the most hours of sunshine. 

Quiz 5: UK Flower Data 2024 

Study line and bar charts to look for trends in the flower data. Answer questions about average weather readings. Sort years from earliest to latest flowering dates. Study bar charts to see whether plants flowered earlier or later than expected. 

Quiz 6: Wales Weather Data 

Study line and bar charts to look for trends in the weather data. Study line graphs to pick out high and low monthly average temperatures. Study line graphs to answer true or false questions about monthly rainfall. Study Bar charts to order years from warmest to coolest.

Quiz 7: Wales Flower Data 

Study bar and line graphs to determine whether our data shows patterns for the flowering dates of spring bulbs. Use tables to deduce which years saw plants flower earliest. Study combination charts to deduce trends in the data. Compare findings from different charts to see if there are patterns that explain anomalies in the data. 

Have fun Bulb Buddies,

Professor Plant

Spring Bulb Winners Visit National Museum Cardiff

Penny Dacey, 15 Gorffennaf 2024

Super Scientists: A Fantastic Visit from St Mary's Church in Wales Primary!

On 2 July, the National Museum Cardiff had the pleasure of hosting the amazing students from St Mary's Church in Wales Primary School in Brynmawr. Their visit was a well-deserved prize for their exceptional contribution to the Spring Bulbs for Schools Investigation 2023-2024.

Spring Bulbs for Schools Investigation

As part of this exciting project, the diligent students recorded daily weather data from 1 November to 31 March and consistently uploaded this information to our museum website. They also planted and nurtured bulbs, meticulously recording the heights and flowering dates of their plants. This valuable data is a crucial part of our long-term study into how climate change affects the flowering dates of spring bulbs.

Celebrating Super Scientists

The Learning team at National Museum Cardiff was thrilled to celebrate the hard work of these Super Scientists. To show our appreciation, we organized a series of engaging activities that we knew they would love. This included piloting our new Endangered Species workshop and exploring the diverse wildlife in our Urban Meadow.

Endangered Species Workshop

We were excited to introduce our new Endangered Species workshop, where we delved into the fascinating world of extinct animals, like the dodo, and the important lessons their stories teach us. We also explored the galleries in search of other species currently facing extinction, and discussed the various threats they encounter. Through mind mapping, we identified issues and brainstormed solutions, empowering the students with knowledge about individual actions they can take to help. One key takeaway? Sharing what they've learned with others!

Urban Meadow Workshop

Armed with sketchbooks and pencils, the students ventured outside to the Museum's Urban Meadow. They were delighted to observe a variety of fascinating creatures, including green woodpeckers, stripy bumblebees, hoverflies, bright red ladybirds, busy black ants, and fluorescent soldier bugs. The meadow was alive with daisies, clover, poppies, tall grasses, and a stunning array of colourful wildflowers. Back in the Clore Discovery Centre, the students enhanced their scientific sketches and botanical illustrations, taking a closer look at the collections and adding intricate details to their artwork.

A Day to Remember

What a lovely and productive day it was! We extend our heartfelt thanks to St Mary's Church in Wales Primary for their dedication and enthusiasm.

Keep exploring and discovering, Super Scientists!

Professor Plant

Adroddiad Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion

Penny Dacey, 24 Mehefin 2024

Annwyl Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Rwyf wedi atodi dogfennau ar gyfer yr adroddiad diwedd blwyddyn i'r dde.

Edrychwch arnynt i weld sut mae canlyniadau eleni o'i gymharu â chanlyniadau blynyddoedd blaenorol. Mae'r adroddiad ledled y DU yn mynd yn ôl i 2012 ac mae adroddiad Cymru yn mynd yn ôl i 2005!

Dyma rai ffeithiau o adroddiad Cymru, mae llawer mwy!

  • Gwelwyd 2024 planhigion crocws yn blodeuo'n hwyrach a blodau cennin Pedr yn gynharach na'r cyfartaledd. 
  • Mae 2024 yn un o ddim ond bedair blynedd  a welodd blanhigion crocws yn blodeuo'n hwyrach na chennin Pedr!
  • Gwelwyd 2024 yr oriau isaf o heulwen ein hymchwiliad.
  • Cafodd 2024 y mis Chwefror poethaf ein hymchwiliad.
  • Mae'r Swyddfa Dywydd wedi adrodd a 2024 oedd y Chwefror cynhesaf a gofnodwyd ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr!

Rwyf hefyd wedi atodi dogfen sy'n cynnwys rhestr o'r holl gwisiau Kahoot! Rowch gynnig arni i weld pa mor dda ydych chi at ddehongli'r data.  Gallwch ail-sefyll y cwisiau  i weld faint rydych wedi'i ddysgu. 

Diolch i'r holl ysgolion a gyfrannodd at yr ymchwiliad drwy rannu eu data tywydd a blodau i wefan Amgueddfa Cymru.

Gwaith gwych!

Athro Ardd

Enillwyr Bylbcast 2024

Penny Dacey, 5 Mehefin 2024

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Hoffwn roi ddiolch fawr i'r holl ysgolion a anfonodd geisiadau i mewn ar gyfer ein cystadleuaeth fideo newydd. Roedd o’n anodd iawn i ddewis rhyngddynt, ond pleidleisiodd pawb oedd yn rhan o'r prosiect a'r canlyniad oedd:


Clare Primary School

Yn Ail:

St Mary’s Church in Wales Primary (@StMarysCIWBJ)

Cydnabyddiaeth Arbennig:

Kirkmichael Primary

Our Lady’s RC Primary

Gwaith gwych Cyfeillion!

Athro’r Ardd