Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Samuel Poole [Samuel Poole]

JOHN, Sir William Goscombe (1860 - 1952)

Cyfrwng: efydd a marmor coch

Maint: 53.5 cm

Derbyniwyd: 1992; Prynwyd

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 821

sylw (3)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Grace Everett
20 Mehefin 2019, 17:35
Hello!... I am researching three stone sculptures that were sculpted by Henry Poole for 190 The Strand. Unfortunately, the building was demolished, but three of the statues were saved and have recently been placed on Milford Lane and Tweezer's Alley (side streets off 190 The Strand) as part of the new development that has been done - so they are now at street level rather than part of the original facade of the previous building! I am trying to find out the names of the sculptures. I can send you photos - but, as you are both connected directly to Henry Poole, perhaps you might be able to tell me, or, you may have some more information in your family archives? I would be very grateful to know. I have an App called StatueFindr which covers all the sculptures/statues within the City of Westminster and although I could include these 3 sculptures as "unnamed", if they did have a name it would be lovely to have them - and also to provide a bit more information about the building they came off!
Thank you. Hope you get this and might be able to help.
With best wishes
Lindi Holbrook
24 Hydref 2014, 19:14
Jenny's father eventually became part of my family. Hi Jenny, this is interesting. I have never seen this piece .... I wonder if it went to either of Your fathers sisters and if anyone knows what happened to it when it left Henry ? I am so glad that it is now somewhere where you can visit it.
Jennie Tavener (nee Poole)
9 Hydref 2009, 14:58
Samuel Poole was my grandfather though I never knew him. This sculpture used to sit on the mantlepiece of my childhood home in Bath. My parents separated when I was young and my father (Henry Poole) took the sculpture with him.

I am so pleased to see it again and hope to be able to visit the museum to say hello to Grandfather again.
Nôl i hafan Casgliadau Celf Ar-lein

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