Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Golygfa o Meaux
MICHEL, Georges (1763 - 1843)
Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas
Maint: 57.2 x 79.7 cm
Derbyniwyd: 1982; Prynwyd
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2472
Saif eglwys gadeiriol ysblennydd Meaux yn dalog yn erbyn yr awyr fygythiol. Michel oedd un o beintwyr tirluniau Ffrengig cyntaf y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg i ymwrthod â thraddodiadau neo-glasurol celf academaidd, a chanolbwyntio ar greu awyrgylch naturiol. Cafodd ei ysbrydoli gan dirluniau Iseldiraidd yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg yn hytrach na’r ffynonellau Eidalaidd, a daeth yn rhagflaenydd pwysig i Ysgol Barbizon ganol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg.
sylw - (2)
Thank you for your enquiry, unfortunately this work is not signed. Works by Michel are in National Gallery London and Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, it would be worth contacting them to ask if there works are signed.
Sorry we could not be of any further assistance,
Thank you for your interest in Amgueddfa Cymru.
Is it possible for you, to send me a close up of the sign of this painter.
WE have a painting at home and this one is signed with MICHEL left under the painting.
I heve seen a lot of Georges Michel paintings on the internet, but I can find the signature to check for the same Michel.
The style of Michel looks to the painting we have
at home but i