Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Gwaith Dur, Caerdydd liw Nos [Steel Works, Cardiff at Night]
WALDEN, Lionel (1861 - 1933)
Dyddiad: 1893-97
Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas
Maint: 150.8 x 200.4 cm
Derbyniwyd: 1920; Rhodd; Lionel Walden
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2245
Ganed Walden yn Connecticut a bu'n astudio ym Mharis, lle enillodd fedal yn Salon 1903. Bu'n arddangos gyda Chymdeithas Celfyddyd Gain Caerdydd ym 1893 ac roedd yn byw ger Falmouth ym 1897. Mae'r darlun hwn o 1893–7 wedi ei seilio ar fraslun bach olew sydd hefyd yn y casgliad. Cafodd ei waith llai Dociau Caerdydd ei brynu oddi wrth y Salon des Artistes Français ym 1896 ac erbyn hyn mae yn y Musée d'Orsay ym Mharis.
sylw - (14)
Peter Wormald.
Thank you very much for contacting us. I'm happy to say that prints of this painting are available from our online shop; please see here.
Best wishes,
Digital Team
Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I think I would like a print of the larger work (NMW A 2245).
Kind regards,
Sheila G.
Thank you very much for your comment. I see that you have also requested a print here, at the webpage for Walden's preparatory study for this painting. Could you please confirm that you do in fact want prints of both, or would you rather one or the other? I would then be happy to put you in touch with our image licensing team to have a print made for you.
Kind regards,
Digital Team
Walden seems to have painted a number of scenes around the area to the north of the docks in Cardiff, which was once a warren of railway lines at different levels between the wharves and the steelworks, and a hive of constant and unrelenting noise and activity. Melanie and Katheline's comment that there is no human activity does not ring true in my interpretation; there is almost nothing in the picture that does not represent human activity at it's most intense and industrious. No human figures are visible, but thousands are toiling in the steelworks, hundreds more on the railway, and more still on the docks and in the many smaller industries and workshops, all of it going flat out on shiftwork and ignoring the gloom and rain.
because of the dark colours in it . The industrial revolution is well evoked with the steam train , the
electricity , the booming activity in the docks. It is at the dawn of progress.
Human life seems to be absent in this painting, which creates a drab atmosphere