Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Y Cymry yng Nghoedwig Mametz [The Welsh at Mametz Wood]

WILLIAMS, Christopher (1873 - 1934)

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 274.3 x 173.0 cm

Derbyniwyd: 1920; Rhodd; Syr a'r Foneddiges A. Mitchelson

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 3509

sylw (45)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
1 Gorffennaf 2021, 09:26

Is there anywhere I can find the service details of the gentleman below.

Samuel Ackery

Service Number: 75498
Corps, Regiment or Unit: Welsh Regiment

He was my great uncle. Around the time of his death he told his son of how a German general surrendered to him but thought his friend needed a break from the fighting more than he did. So he told his friend to take the general back to headquarters.

This his friend did and received a medal as well as time to recuperate from the horrors of war, for capturing the general.

Whether the story was true or not, his son was very generous and kind to my gran, Sam’s sister-in-law and I would like to repay the family in some way.

Johnny Chirnside
30 Mai 2020, 09:47
I've visited Mametz wood several times with my Father who has researched the battle. I was so moved with the events, I wrote a song dedicated to those involved. The song is called 'The Soldiers Of The Royal Welch Fusiliers' and can be found on YouTube.
Andrew Barnes
1 Mai 2020, 22:05
Ive visited Mametz Wood.It was very moving.
How those young men crossed that ground under full view of well prepared german defences i will never know .
jennefer kappold
1 Rhagfyr 2019, 12:05
hi does anyone know how this painting portrays the soldiers and the battle ? Any answers will help thanks
1 Rhagfyr 2019, 11:52
does anyone know how this image portrays the welsh soldiers in mametz wood?
Carol A Duke
21 Chwefror 2019, 19:57
Harold T Jenkins was my uncle. He was the brother-in-law of my father David Christopher Irwin. My father told us that Uncle Harry had won a medal in WWI and had suffered from a gas attack but I had no idea how much he went through until I started to research my family. I recommend seeing the documentary film "They Shall Not Grow Old" that has just been released. It shows the horrible events of WWI in a colorized version.
Hajime Nonaka
4 Rhagfyr 2018, 05:56
I would like to see at Impressinist
Hugh Tebay
15 Tachwedd 2018, 15:33
My Great Uncle Edgar James Gilbert from Barry was killed in the battle on the first day aged 24. His body was never found and his name is inscribed on the Thiepval Memorial. Their sacrifice is always remembered.
Lynda Alexander
4 Tachwedd 2018, 20:36
My Grandfather Private Harold Thomas Jenkins from Merthyr was awarded a citation for DCM for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack in Memetz Wood where he entered an enemy dugout alone, killed 7 of the enemy and captured 8 prisoners. This painting brought these horrific images these young soldiers had to face.
He survived the war but died at the age of 54 from TB. I was born the following year.
Sara Huws Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
10 Ebrill 2017, 08:40
Dear Margaret,

I will double-check with our curators, but as far as I am aware, there are no names recorded with this painting.

Thank you for your enquiry,

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