Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Lougher from Penclawdd

MORRIS, Sir Cedric (1889 - 1982)

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 60 x 73 cm

Derbyniwyd: 2008; assistance from the Derek Williams Trust

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 29356

Mae cyrion lled-wledig Abertawe ym mlaendir y llun yma’n cyferbynnu’n llwyr â’r simneiau a mŵg y Gymru ddiwydiannol yn y cefndir. Darlun cyffredinol yw hwn o lannau Llanelli o Ben-clawdd ac a dweud y gwir, ni ellir gweld Casllwchwr, er gwaethaf ei deitl. Ganed Cedric Morris yn y Sgeti, Abertawe, a byddai wedi bod yn gyfarwydd iawn â thirwedd yr ardal.

sylw (6)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
G J Fincham
24 Tachwedd 2021, 15:40
Is there a print of this Sir Cedric Morris painting Lougher from Penclawdd that you can purchase or any of the landscapes he painted of South Wales. I particularly like the painting of Cae Harris Post Office but cannot find a print of it anywhere. My father lived in Cae Harris as a youngster and was a miner and I would love a print to go on my wall. I cannot understand why Sir Cedric Morris' paintings aren't all available as prints. He was a wonderful paint, well at least I think so, and I just love his work. I'm sure you will write back and say 'No' on all fronts, but is there anyone I can contact who might be able to give permission to have a print of his South Wales works, and of them.

Thank you for your help and assistance.

Best regards Jayne Fincham
Alan Cole
15 Mawrth 2021, 21:58
Would it be possible to purchase a copy of this painting?
Mrs JM Falcon
18 Awst 2020, 16:00
looking for an art work looking across LLanelli to Pennclwd with cockles pickers. Ma is 88 yrs this November and sadly loss Pa this June at 91 Spent a huge amount of time in LLanelli and the surroundings through family when growing up.. I am now 62 and have the most wonderful memories of the old LLanelli docks, The gower and wonderful beaches. A wonderful Aunt in Pembrokshire who had that special house which I always felt was home

Please let me know if you are able to find print,origal etc
Sadly my budget is
Kind Regards
Jane Falcon
Keep Safe
Thank you
Chris Gilbert (nee Nurse)
15 Gorffennaf 2017, 18:35
Having grown up in Penclawdd, I would like to point out that the spelling in the title of the painting is correct whereas, Penclacwydd refers to the area across the estuary, near Loughor, where there is currently a Wildlife and Wetlands Centre. I spent many hours as a child and teenager playing on, and walking, the 'Graig' above the village, which is clearly the location from which Morris looks over towards the estuary in this painting. I regularly looked out of my bedroom window and saw the smoking chimneys he has painted as well as the towers of Burry Port Power Station. A poignant reminder of a happy childhood!
6 Ebrill 2014, 15:17
Could the 'Lougher' (sic) of the title refer to the river Loughor, the estuary of which is clearly present here, rather than the town of the same name which, as others have pointed out, is outside the scope of this work?
Julie Roberts
16 Awst 2011, 23:16
I saw this painting last week. We live in Llanelli and think that Lougher shown in the painting is Machynys.
Machynys was an industrial area. Lougher is further up the estuary. What a pity Cedris Morris is no longer around to confirm or deny.
Nôl i hafan Casgliadau Celf Ar-lein

Pori artistiaid

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z i gyd Arall

Pori gwneuthurwyr a chynllunwyr

Pori yn ôl llythyren:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z i gyd