Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Blodau Afallen [Apple Blossom]

CLAUSEN, George (1852 - 1944)

Dyddiad: 1885

Cyfrwng: olew ar felinfwrdd

Maint: 24.9 x 22.7 cm

Derbyniwyd: 1898; Cymynrodd; James Pyke Thompson

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 174

Un o gyfres o frasluniau olew byrfyfyr o goed yn y 1880au, wedi eu peintio o natur yn yr awyr agored.

sylw (5)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
brian armstrong
30 Mawrth 2013, 18:57
Dear Holly,

Thank you so much for putting this lovely picture on view. My friend and I spent a wonderful day in the Gallery. Having seen the lovely colection of Corots today, I think one can see where Clausen got at least some of his inspiration for the somewhat silvery, ethereal appearance.

Kind Regards

Amgueddfa Cymru
28 Mawrth 2013, 14:16

Dear Brian, thank you for your comment. I can confirm that Clausen's Apple Blossom is currently in display in Gallery 15 in National Museum Cardiff. The Museum is open throughout the Easter weekend for you to view this painting.
Thank you for your interest in Amgueddfa Cymru
Miss Holly Codd, Volunteer Online Data Auditor
Brian Armstrong
27 Mawrth 2013, 20:29
What a shame that this wonderful plein air picture is not currently on view. Much in a similar vein to many of the Glascow Boys' works, Clausen was both an inspiration and a great supporter of this group. Any chance of having on view for Easter weekend?
Amgueddfa Cymru
21 Mehefin 2012, 09:16
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your comment, unfortunately, this image is not on public display at the moment. If you wish to make an appointment to view it in store, then please contact
Thank you for your interest in Amgueddfa Cymru
Graham Davies, Online Curator.
Ben Rosevink
20 Mehefin 2012, 16:39
NMW A 174 Please is it possible to have this picture out on show for next Tuesday, the 26th June. Thank you very much.
Nôl i hafan Casgliadau Celf Ar-lein

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