Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Dyddiad: 1722 ca
Maint: d(cm) : 22.3 x d(in) : 8 3/4 x h(cm) : 3.2
Derbyniwyd: 1937; Rhodd
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 32174
Yn ystod y ddeunawfed ganrif roedd masnach porslen Tsieineaidd yn Ewrop yn cael ei reoli gan yr East India Company o Loegr. Roedd hawl gan aelodau'r Cwmni fasnachu'n breifat a byddent yn aml yn comisiynu gwaith wedi'i addurno â thestunau Ewropeaidd neu setiau ag arnynt arfbeisiau. Arfbais Thomas, Arglwydd 1af Dinefwr (1658-1730) a'i wraig, Anne Weldon sy'n addurno'r plât hwn.
sylw - (2)
Hi there Michael - thanks for flagging up the issue with the site. We are working on some pages today and so I'll make sure the tech team have a look at this.
I will pass on your questions about the potters to our art department so that they can respond.
Digital Team
On this delightful item:
1. do we know how the instructions reached the Chinese potters, who clearly were supremely gifted, but needed some guide-lines.
2. Were the motifs in the outer rim the potters' own invention?
I suppose really it is a question of how the patron-client creative process works over such huge distances and over a period of maybe 4 years or so.
Would the client have arranged all this as "private trade" with, say, an officer on the ship who would in turn instruct the pottery and the porcelain painter?
Many thanks