Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Doethineb yn cefnogi Rhyddid
DALOU, Jules (1838 - 1902)
Dyddiad: 1889
Cyfrwng: efydd
Maint: 59.7 cm
Derbyniwyd: 1978; Prynwyd
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2515
Mae ffigwr Doethineb, sy’n gwisgo helmed Gorinthaidd a mantel glasurol, yn ymdrechu i godi Rhyddid wrth i’w thraed lithro’n beryglus dros waelod y cerflun. Mae’n noeth a bregus, ar wahân i’w chap rhyddid neu Phrygiaidd, symbol grymus o ryddid a chwyldro Ffrengig. Dyma astudiaeth fechan ar gyfer cofeb Dalou i’r gwleidydd Gweriniaethol, Léon Gambetta.
sylw - (6)
Thank you very much for spotting this error, which we have now corrected.
Best wishes,
Digital Team
Hi there Terence,
Just to update you that you are right about the helmet - we have amended the record on the online collection and will be looking to change the gallery label as soon as we can. Thank you for your detective work and your contribution to our knowledge about the collections.
Best wishes,
Digital Team
Dear Terence,
Thank you for your comment. I will pass it on to the curator, and post their reply here.
We hope you enjoyed your visit to the museum.
Digital Team