Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)

JANES, Alfred (1911 - 1999)

Dyddiad: 1934

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 40.6 x 30.5 cm

Derbyniwyd: 1935; Prynwyd

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2641

Cadwai rhieni Alfred Janes siop ffrwythau a blodau yn Abertawe, a bu'n hyfforddi yn yr Ysgol Gelf yno ac yn Ysgolion yr Academi Frenhinol. Roedd yn gyfaill i Dylan Thomas, ac yn un o'r cylch oedd yn mynychu'r Kardomah Café, Abertawe. Peintiwyd y darlun hwn yn Ffordd Coleherne ym 1934 ac fe'i prynwyd gan yr amgueddfa yn ystod y flwyddyn ganlynol. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn defnyddiai Janes y dechneg o wneud toriad llinellol yn arwynebedd y llun gyda chyllell boced i roi mwy o ffurfioldeb i'r peintiad, a gwneud yr wyneb yn fwy amlwg.

sylw (4)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Marc Haynes Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
7 Hydref 2019, 10:33

Hi Judith,

Thank you for your recent enquiry posted on our website. Please send a photo of the painting you have bought to

Best wishes,

Digital Team

Judith Arrington
5 Hydref 2019, 15:55
I just purchased this and was wondering if this is Alfred Janes. Would like to send photo if I could. It is a well, hanging plant. On canvas, very large.
Sara Huws Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
5 Mawrth 2018, 11:24

Hi there Christy,

Congratulations on your book. Please contact our Image Licensing Officer to discuss. Since the copyright to this image isn't ours, it might be that she can point you in the direction of the copyright owner.

Thank you for your enquiry,

Digital Team

Christy Gillespie
4 Mawrth 2018, 18:47
After 12 years of long research I am just putting the finishing touches to a very large illustrated book titled "The Road to Glenlough" detailing the history of this isolated yet monumental valley in south - west Donegal. The Welsh poet spent a summer in that splendid isolation in the summer of 1935 and three chapters in the book detail his association with Glenlough.
Just before he left for Ireland, artist and flatmate Freed Janes did a celebrated portrait of the poet which is now in your collection. For obvious reasons I would love to have a copy of the painting for my book and permission to use it. I would of course pay a fee if it was reasonable but given that the book will have a print run of less than 1000 and have many hundreds of images, I hope we can work something out as it is an image that I would love to use.
Nôl i hafan Casgliadau Celf Ar-lein

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