: Spring Bulbs

Nadolig Llawen Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn

Penny Dacey, 9 Rhagfyr 2016

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Heddiw yw’r diwrnod olaf i gasglu darlleniad tywydd cyn Nadolig! Mae’r rhan fwyaf o ysgolion yn cychwyn ei gwyliau o 16 Rhagfur, ac yn cychwyn yn ôl yn yr ysgol ar y 2 neu’r 3 o Ionawr. Byddwch yn cymryd darlleniad tywydd nesaf yr wythnos o’r 2-6 Ionawr. Wrth gofnodi eich darlleniadau i’r wefan, plîs nodwch ‘’dim cofnod’ ar gyfer y dyddiau rydych i fwrdd o’r ysgol.

Does dim rhaid cymryd eich potiau adra dros y gwyliau. Os yw’r potiau mewn lle saf lle byddant ddim yn cael ei effeithio gan y gwynt, bydda nhw’n iawn. Mae'r pridd yn cadw’r bylbiau yn ddwfn yn erbyn y tywydd oer.

Mae’r tywydd wedi bod yn eithaf cynnes am y gaeaf, a bydd o’n ddiddorol i weld yr effaith mae hyn yn cael ar ein bylbiau! Gwelodd Tachwedd 2016 tymereddau is a llai o law na flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ond llawer mwy o golau haul! Yn Dachwedd 2015 gwelodd y DU 35.6 horiau o haul, cawsom ni 74.6 o oriau blwyddyn yma, mae hwnna dros ddwbl! Oedd y tymheredd yn is, ond ddal yn gynnes am yr amser o’r flwyddyn. Oedd na llai o law, ond ddal digon i helpu ein bylbiau tyfu. Os mae’r patrwm yma yn parhau, efallai fyddwn yn weld ein blodau yn gynharach flwyddyn yma!

Mwynhewch eich gwyliau Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn.

Nadolig Llawen gan

Athro’r Ardd a Bwlb Bychan

Newid yn y tymhorau

Penny Dacey, 5 Rhagfyr 2016

Helo Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch i bawb wnaeth yrru data tywydd ata i'r wythnos ddiwethaf. Roedd rhai o sylwadau’r wythnos yma yn dweud bod y tymheredd yn disgyn, sy’n esgus perffaith i mi siarad rhywfaint am y tymhorau!

Mae yna bedwar tymor mewn blwyddyn: gaeaf, gwanwyn, haf a hydref. Mae hi’n dal yn aeaf ar hyn o bryd, y tymor oeraf.

Mae’r gwanwyn yn dechrau o gwmpas Mawrth yr 20fed (Cyhydnos y Gwanwyn) a dyma’r tymor lle bydd y rhan fwyaf o blanhigion yn blodeuo ac anifeiliaid bach yn cael eu geni wrth i’r tywydd gynhesu. Mae ŵyn bach yn y caeau yn arwydd da bod y gwanwyn wedi cyrraedd!

O fis Mehefin tan fis Medi bydd hi’n haf – y dyddiau’n hir a’r tywydd yn gynnes. Yn lwcus i chi, byddwch yn cael gwyliau hir o’r ysgol!

Bydd yr hydref yn gafael o ddiwedd Medi ymlaen – y dyddiau yn byrhau, y tywydd yn oeri, a’r dail yn troi’n oren, coch a brown cyn syrthio o’r coed. Daw’r gaeaf unwaith eto ym mis Rhagfyr a bydd yn aros efo ni tan ganol Mawrth.

Ydych chi’n gwybod pam ein bod yn cael tymhorau? Beth sy’n achosi i’r tywydd newid mor ddramatig yn ystod y flwyddyn? Mae’n digwydd achos bod y Ddaear yn troi o amgylch yr Haul ar ongl. Mae’r llun isod yn dangos y Ddaear a’r Haul. Mae’r Ddaear yn cylchdroi ar echel (dychmygwch linell yn cysylltu Pegwn y Gogledd â Phegwn y De) wrth symud o amgylch yr Haul.

Mae’n cymryd 365 diwrnod i’r Ddaear deithio unwaith o amgylch yr Haul. Hyd blwyddyn ar blaned yw’r amser mae’n gymryd i deithio o amgylch ei seren unwaith. Felly mae blwyddyn ar y Ddaear yn para 365 diwrnod.

Mae’r llun uchod yn dangos llwybr y Ddaear o amgylch yr Haul. Yr echel yw’r llinell wen trwy’r ddau begwn. Mae’r echel ar ongl wahanol i lwybr y Ddaear o amgylch yr Haul (y llinell wen doredig). Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod ar ongl fymryn yn wahanol i’r Haul bob dydd. Dyma sy’n achosi’r newid yn hyd y dydd. Mae dyddiau byrrach (gaeaf) yn golygu llai o olau a llai o wres, sy’n gwneud y gaeaf yn oerach. Mae dyddiau hirach (haf) yn golygu mwy o olau a gwres, sy’n ei gwneud yn gynhesach!

Mae’r DU yn ‘Hemisffer y Gogledd’ sy’n golygu ein bod yn nes at Begwn y Gogledd nag at Begwn y De. Yn y llun, mae Pegwn y Gogledd (y llinell wen sy’n pwyntio am i fyny) yn gwyro i gyfeiriad yr Haul ym mis Mehefin ac oddi wrth yr Haul ym mis Rhagfyr. Yr ongl hon sy’n achosi’r newid yn hyd y dyddiau wrth i’r Ddaear droi o amgylch yr Haul.

Mae gwledydd eraill yn profi’r newidiadau hyn ar wahanol adegau. Yn Awstralia mae’n haf ym mis Rhagfyr! Ac yng Ngwlad yr Iâ mae’n olau dydd am ddyddiau ar y tro yn yr haf, ac yn dywyll am ddyddiau yn y gaeaf... dychmygwch yr haul yn tywynnu am hanner nos!

Daliwch ati Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Athro’r Ardd


Eich sylwadau:

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Hello, This week it has been very frosty and cold. In the mornings it has been frosty but got warmer at lunch times.

Ysgol Bro Ogwr: Mae'r tymheredd yn newid yn y prynhawn.

Hudson Road Primary School: It has been quite warm during the afternoons this week with bright sunshine.

Ysgol Glanyfferi: The temperature is getting colder as it's getting further into the winter.

Hudson Road Primary School: It has been really cold towards the end of the week, with very frosty mornings but it has warmed up through the day.

Betws Primary School: An extremely wet start to the week! The temperature is beginning to dip and winter is most certainly coming...

Stane Primary School: It's getting colder and colder every day! Get your hat, scarf and gloves on. Professor Plant: Great advice Stane Primary, make sure you stay warm!

Arkholme CE Primary School: We have had some frosty nights and most of the leaves have fallen off the trees. No change what so ever with the bulbs. Have a good day.

Broad Haven Primary School: Everything was frozen every morning this week. Frost and ice. The birds are hungry they are eating the sunflower seeds of the sunflowers we grew in the summer.

Hudson Road Primary School: Friday was a lovely warm afternoon and we did lots of garden maintenance getting ready for the winter and filled our bird feeders so they will have food in the cold winter days. Professor Plant: That’s lovely Hudson Road Primary. Well done for looking after wildlife in your garden.

Darran Park Primary: Despite the sunny weather, the temperature has been quite cold but not freezing Also the temperature has been quite consistent but it dropped a little bit on Friday. As well, to start the week off is has been raining, nevertheless, the rest of the week has been dry.

Carnbroe Primary School: The weather was dry but cold and damp this week. Although it didn't rain the soil in our plant pots was damp. Professor Plant: Hi Carnbroe Primary, well done for checking whether your plants needed watering. It’s likely that dew or frost has been forming on top of the soil this will be why the soil is damp even though it hasn’t rained.  

Bacup Thorn Primary School: We had a lot of snow Thursday night into Friday. Heavy snow throughout Friday making a wet but enjoyable time at break. We had some very large snow flakes falling.

Bacup Thorn Primary School: A cold start to the week, ending with an extremely wet day!

Darran Park Primary: The temperature has dropped and the rainfall has raised.

Ysgol Rhys Prichard: No rain in the week. Hotter on Monday than Thursday.

Auchenlodment Primary School: There is no record for Wednesday as we were off school for St Andrew's Day. Professor Plant: Hi Auchenlodment Primary, thank you for letting me know. A number of other schools let me know that it was St Andrew’s day as well.

Ysgol Pennant: Diolch am y Worm World! Dwin edrych ymlaen am y bylbiau i agor. Diolch am y bylbiau dwin hoffi cadw golwg ar y potiau. Professor Plant: Helo Ysgol Pennant, diolch am eich gwaith called ac am anfon lluniau! Cadwch ati gyda'r gwaith caled Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn!

Rougemont Junior School: Flowers are starting to sprout. Professor Plant: Wow Rougemont, that’s great news! A few other schools have said that their plants are sprouting, it’s earlier than last year so it will be interesting to compare the results!


Eich Sylwadau

Penny Dacey, 25 Tachwedd 2016

Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau wrth gofnodi eich data tywydd i wefan Amgueddfa Cymru. Daliwch ati gyda'r gwaith caled Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn!


Eich sylwadau:

Ysgol Y Wern: Roedd Dydd Llun yn stormus a wyntog iawn.

YGG Tonyrefail: Roedd e yn wythnos gwlyb iawn.

Beulah School: Roedd llawer o law ar dydd Llun!

Rougemont Junior School: Heavy rain and sleet on Friday, hope our bulbs will enjoy a cold shower.

Rougemont Junior School: Our baby bulbs are safe and sound in their pots and we have them on display.

Trellech Primary School: We had lots of rain at the weekend so the rain fall on Monday was high. We can’t wait for our flowers to start growing.

St Paul's C.I.W. Primary: Hello pr.plant. We are proud of our work. Professor Plant: And so you should be St Paul’s, keep it up Bulb Buddies!

Ysgol Rhys Prichard: Really cold on Monday. A lot of Rain on Monday too. No Rain on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Ysgol Glanyfferi: Variety of temperatures throughout the week.(R, K and A).

Alston Lane Catholic Primary School: Thursday 17th November - the rainfall was 25mm but I could not upload this as only 20 and 30 were options on the databank. Professor Plant: Hi Alston Lane, when entering the reading please round the figure to the nearest 10mm. So you were right to enter 30mm! But a reading of 24mm would be entered as 20mm on the website. Ellel St John's CE Primary School had a similar problem: ‘Lots of heavy rain on Monday 14th November, we actually measured 31mm of rain but it wasn't available on the drop down menu.’ Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies!

Ysgol Y Wern: Roedd hi'n oer iawn ar Ddydd Gwnener i gymharu ar ddechrau'r wythnos

Lawhead School: The plants were atrociously frozen. They were so frozen that when I tipped the pot out, nothing fell out of it. - J K and T L. Professor Plant: Wow, that is frozen! Don’t worry about your bulbs though, the soil will be insulating them against the cold!

Carnbroe Primary School: The weather has been very frosty and icy all week. On Thursday our class went out to check on the plants. The soil in our pots was frozen but have decided that our bulbs will still flower. Professor Plant: Well done for checking on your plants! I’m sure that your plants will still flower too. Lawhead Primary reported the same: Lawhead School: The week got colder towards the end. The soil in our pots is frozen solid!

Auchenlodment Primary School: After a wet and mild weekend it's been a very cold week. The plant pots have been covered with frost. Professor Plant: A few schools have noticed frost in their pots! I’m sure your bulbs are nice and warm buried in the soil. Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies.

Rougemont Junior School: Not sprouting yet but a few popping out. Professor Plant: Oh dear Rougemont, I hope they are sprouting! If it’s not a green shoot that you can see, but the brown top of the bulb, then you’ll need to put a few more handfuls of soil on top of them!

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Hello, we have noticed that some of the bulbs have started to pop up. Professor Plant: Hi Stanford in the Vale, do you mean that shoots have begun to appear? If so that’s great news!

Arkholme CE Primary School: It has been very wet as you can see in the data. It has been very cold, we have had our first frost of the winter. On three days of the week when we were collecting the weather data it was raining! Thank you. Professor Plant: Hi Arkholme CE Primary. Thank you for collecting the weather data even though it was raining. Be careful if the school yard is frosty! Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies!

Llanharan Primary School: 7th - 11th November and 14th - 18th November results have been mixed up - is there any way they could be swapped please? Sorry! Professor Plant: Hi Llanharan Primary,  thank you for letting me know the data was mixed up. Not to worry, I have swaped these dates for you. Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies|!

Auchenlodment Primary School: It was dry on Monday but there was a lot of rain over the weekend which was the 5mm recorded on Monday. We have felt the temperature drop over the week, it's getting very cold! Professor Plant: Well done for observing the weather over the weekend even though you are not taking readings on these days. Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies!

St Robert's R.C Primary School: We had a busy week this week and we went on a trip to Cardiff Museum on Friday! Professor Plant: Hi St Robert’s Primary. Wow, I hope you enjoyed your trip!

Broad Haven Primary School: What a week we have had gales-rain-sleet-hail-sun-rainbows. The sea has been very rough with huge waves. Professor Plant: Wow Broad Haven Primary, you really have had a mixed week in terms of weather. It’s interesting to see the effect a strong wind can have on the sea!

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: The weather has turned really cold today.
Been training people to do this experiment during the week. From R xxx Professor Plant: Hi R, thank you for training others to take weather readings, even in the cold! Keep up the good work Bulb Buddy!

St Clare's Catholic Primary School: A very chilly and wet week. We even have some snow today! Professor Plant: I hope you enjoy the snow St Clare’s Catholic Primary! Make sure you wrap up warm!

Ysgol Rhostyllen: We're really enjoying it! Professor Plant: Hi Ysgol Rhostyllen, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the project. Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies!

Carnbroe Primary School: It was so cold on Wednesday that we decided to check our plants to make sure they were alright, they looked ok. It rained really heavily all day Thursday and the ground was very wet and muddy. Professor Plant: Hi Carnbroe Primary, well done for checking on your bulbs! The soil will be keeping the bulbs insulated against the cold. Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies.   

Ysgol Rhys Prichard: A lot of rain on Wednesday compared to Thursday and Friday.
It was colder on Wednesday compered to Tuesday. Professor Plant: Hi Ysgol Rhys Pritchard, well done for comparing the results throughout the week. You might find it interesting to use the maps on the Spring Bulbs website to compare your results to those from other schools!

Coppull Parish Primary School: Again the children made all the recordings with no supervision. Well done. Professor Plant: Fantastic work Coppull Primary!

Chorley St James Primary School: It was a very wet week in Chorley! The temperature stayed below 13 degrees. Professor Plant: Hi Chorley Primary, fantastic work! Why not use the graphs on the Spring Bulbs website to compare your results to those of other schools? Keep up the good work Bulb Buddies!


Bwrw eira a dyfnder eira 2016-11-17

Penny Dacey, 17 Tachwedd 2016

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau gyda'r data tywydd wythnos dwytha. Rwyf wedi atodi rhai yn isod. Mae llawer ohonoch yn ddweud bod y tywydd wedi oeri a bod 'na mwy o law. Mae rhai ohonoch chi hyd yn oed wedi cael eira! Dyma pam dwi am esbonio sut mae meteorolegwyr (gwyddonwyr tywydd) yn mesur eira. 

Mae mesur faint o law sy’n disgyn yn hawdd o’i gymharu â mesur faint o eira sy’n disgyn. Fydd eira ddim yn bihafio! Bydd yn aml yn cael ei chwythu gan y gwynt ac yn lluwchio, sy’n golygu bod yr eira’n ddwfn mewn mannau ond yn llawer llai dafliad carreg i ffwrdd. Oherwydd bod yr eira’n disgyn yn anghyson, bydd y mesuriadau o’r llefydd yma’n anghywir! Dyna pam mae’n rhaid mesur mewn mannau gwastad, agored ymhell o ble fydd eira’n lluwchio. Bydd eira hefyd yn chwarae gemau gyda’r Meteorolegwyr sy’n ceisio ei fesur – bydd yn toddi’n ddŵr, cyn rhewi fel iâ. Felly dyw’r eira sy’n cael ei fesur ddim bob tro yn cyfateb i faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn. Mae eira newydd yn disgyn ar ben hen eira hefyd, ac mae’n anodd dweud faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn o un diwrnod i’r llall. 

Mae’n rhaid i’r meteorolegwyr gofio holl driciau’r eira a meddwl am ffyrdd i ddarganfod faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn. Byddan nhw’n edrych ar gwymp eira (faint o eira sy’n disgyn mewn diwrnod) a dyfnder eira (cyfanswm dyfnder yr eira, hen a newydd). Un ffordd o fesur cwymp eira yw gyda ffon bren. Bydd y meteorolegwr yn gosod y pren mewn lleoliad agored lle na fydd eira’n lluwchio ac yn mesur yr eira bob chwech awr. Drwy glirio’r eira o’r pren ar ôl ei fesur, dim ond eira’r diwrnod hwnnw fydd yn cael ei fesur, a gall y gwyddonydd ddweud faint o eira sydd wedi cwympo ar y diwrnod hwnnw. 

Gallwn ni hefyd fesur eira wedi toddi ar ffurf dŵr. Gallwch chi felly ddefnyddio’ch mesurydd glaw i fesur cwymp eira. Os taw dim ond ychydig o eira sy’n cwympo, bydd yn toddi yn y mesurydd beth bynnag, ond os yw hi’n bwrw’n drwm, ewch â’r mesurydd i mewn ac aros iddo doddi’n ddŵr. Gallwch chi wedyn fesur y dŵr fel rydych chi wedi’i wneud bob wythnos, a’i gofnodi fel glawiad yn eich cofnodion tywydd. 

Os oes eira ar lawr a bod digon o amser i arbrofi, beth am fynd ati i fesur dyfnder yr eira? Y cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch chi yw pren mesur (neu pren eira os ydych chi am siarad fel gwyddonydd gwych!). Gwthiwch y pren i’r eira tan ei fod yn cyffwrdd y ddaear a chofnodi pa mor ddwfn yw’r ddaear fesul milimedr. Rhaid i chi fesur o arwyneb gwastad (fel mainc) mewn lle agored lle nad yw’r eira’n lluwchio. Rhaid i chi gofnodi o leiaf tri mesuriad i gyfrifo dyfnder cyfartalog yr eira lleol. Cyfrifwch y cyfartaledd drwy adio’r cofnodion gwahanol a’u rhannu gyda’r nifer o gofnodion. Os ydw i’n cofnodi tri dyfnder o 7cm, 9cm a 6cm, rhaid i fi adio pob rhif (7 + 9 + 6 = 22) cyn rhannu gyda 3 (22 / 3 = 7.33). Dyfnder cyfartalog yr eira felly yw 7.33cm. 

Mae gorsafoedd tywydd fel y Swyddfa Dywydd (MET Office) wedi troi at dechnoleg i ddyfeisio dulliau newydd o fesur dyfnder eira. Edrychwch ar y llun o un o orsafoedd eira’r Swyddfa Dywydd. Mae nhw’n defnyddio synwyryddion laser i fesur dyfnder yr eira ar yr arwyneb gwastad. Gall meteorolegwyr gasglu data o bob cwr o’r wlad wrth wasgu botwm – llawer haws a mwy dibynadwy nag anfon pobl allan i’r oerfel gyda phren eira! Mae pob un o orsafoedd eira’r Swyddfa Dywydd i’w gweld ar y map – oes un yn agos atoch chi? 

Os yw hi wedi bwrw eira, cofiwch fesur y cwymp gyda’r mesurydd glaw neu’r dyfnder gyda phren eira a nodi’r canlyniadau fel ‘Sylwadau’ wrth uwchlwytho eich cofnodion wythnosol. Bydd yn ddiddorol cymharu dyfnder yr eira â chwymp yr eira yn y mesurydd glaw! 

Daliwch ati Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn, 

Athro’r Ardd


Eich sylwadau:

Carnbroe Primary School: The weather in Carnbroe changed throughout the week. It started with beautiful crisp sunny days, snow on Wednesday and finally it rained and rained. Our plants were all well watered. Hooray!!

East Fulton Primary School: We had snow during Tues evening which is why rainfall reading is so high on Wed.

Auchenlodment Primary School: On Tuesday night it snowed so the rain gauge was filled with snow on Wednesday. We had to melt the snow so we could get a reading.

St. Charles Primary School: It was very icy this week and the water in the water gauge was frozen.

Ysgol Y Wern: Mae'r tywydd wedi oeri ond mae hi wedi bod yn heulog.

Arkholme CE Primary School: First really cold weather also got a bit of frost and one of the pots fell over. None of the bulbs have started to sprout yet though.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Frosty mornings, bright blue skies we have experienced this week.  Heavy rain on Wednesday.

Henllys CIW Primary: We had a lot of rain on Wednesday and it was cold on Monday

Beulah School: very rainy Tuesday night !!!!!!!!!!

Trellech Primary School: It rained on Wednesday but not any other day of the week. It was fun measuring the rainfall.

St. Nicholas Primary School: We had a lot of rain on Tuesday night.

Barmston Village Primary School: The weather has been rainy this week.

Ysgol Glanyfferi: A wet week in Wales! Getting colder. Looking forward to seeing green shoots.

Broad Haven Primary School: It was very windy to start this week but with some sun. We had more rain and it was cold in the mornings.

Ysgol Rhys Prichard: A lot of rain on Wednesday. Really cold on Tuesday.

Darran Park Primary: The rainfall hasn't been very consistent. On the other hand the temperature has been very consistent has only varied by 1 or 2 degrees.

St. Charles Primary School: It was very icy this week and the water in the water gauge was frozen.

Garstang St. Thomas' CE Primary School: We were on half term this week but Mrs Bosson kept a record of the rainfall and temperature for us.

Professor Plant: Thank you Mrs Bosson!

Breckon Hill Primary School: We have measured the temperature and the rainfall in the location of the pots (front of the school) and in the flower beds (at the back of the school). We have noticed that it is slightly warmer at the front of the school as this area gets a little bit more sun.

Enillwyr y Gystadleuaeth Ffotograffydd 2016

Penny Dacey, 7 Tachwedd 2016

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am yr holl waith yr ydych wedi gwneud ac am rannu eich lluniau! Roedd o'n hynod o galed i ddewis dim ond pum enillydd. Mae'r lluniau a ddewiswyd yn dod o ysgolion yng Nghymru sef ddim cymryd rhan yn y prosiectau estyniad Edina. Os ydych yn cymryd rhan yn y prosiectau estyniad Edina fydd eich llun hefo cyfle o ennill cystadleuaeth nhw, a bydd yr Edina yn cyhoeddi enillwyr yn fuan.

Dyma'r enillwyr:


Severn Primary School

Ysgol Trellech

Ysgol San Sior

Ysgol Abererch

Ysgol Pennant


Bydd eich gwobrau yn y post erbyn wythnos nesa Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn.

Rwyf isio ddweud diolch mawr i bob ysgol a rhannodd ei lluniau. Oedd o’n hyfryd gweld y gwaith rydych wedi gwneud, fallu plîs cadwch ymlaen yn rhannu gyda ni!

Cafodd llawer o sylwadau diddorol ei rhannu gyda’r cofnodion tywydd wythnos dwytha. Dyma rhai ohonyn nhw:


Eich sylwadau

YGG Tonyrefail: Mae wedi bod yn wythnos sych iawn....a very dry week Professor Plant!

Ysgol Tal y Bont: Mae'n oeri yn araf yn nhal y bont wythnos yma yr athro planhigin

St. Charles Primary School: The weather this week was cold and mostly dry.

The Blake CE Primary School: It has been a bit damp this week especially at the end of the week. It is starting to feel a lot colder as winter is coming.

St Robert's R.C Primary School: It's been getting colder!!

Boston West Academy: We think the weather has been warmer than we would have expected for this time of year and there has been hardly any rain.

Darran Park Primary: We have noticed that the temperature has started to drop over the week. It has been mostly dry, however, there was a shower on Thursday night.

Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: It was fun. There wasn't much rain.

Broad Haven Primary School: A dry sunny week cold in the mornings but warm by the afternoon. Rain expected this weekend -but only showers

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Monday we had no school. Enjoying looking at our planted bulbs! We have had some frosty mornings.

Carnbroe Primary School: We have had a sunny, dry but cold week. We have decided to make predictions about our bulbs and we are all excited to find out what will happen.

Henllys CIW Primary: We have had no rain and we have been allowed out to play!!!

Hudson Road Primary School: It has been really nice Autumn weather. We hope our bulbs are warm in the soil.

Ysgol Rhys Prichard: First frost of the Autumn this Wednesday!

Auchenlodment Primary School: We all enjoyed collecting the data and from next week we will work in pairs to collect the data.


Trellech Primary School: Thank you for letting us complete the bulb activity we really enjoyed taking our measurements. Diolch yn fawr.

Professor Plant: Thank you for taking part Bulb Buddies, I’m glad that you are enjoying the project!


Breckon Hill Primary School: We have measured the temperature and the rainfall in the location of the pots (front of the school) and in the flower beds (at the back of the school). We have noticed that it is slightly warmer at the front of the school as this area gets a little bit more sun.

Professor Plant: It’s fantastic that you are observing these differences and logging them Bulb Buddies! Which bulbs do you think will flower first?


Our Lady of Peace Primary School: This was our first week. Mr Kelly showed us what to do.


Barmston Village Primary School: We are noticing some liquid in the rain gauge when it has not rained. We think it is like the dew that has been on the grass as there is only a little bit of it.

Professor Plant: Hi Bulb Buddies, well done for noticing the liquid and questioning how it will have come to be in the rain gauge! I suspect that you are right and that the water is the result of dew forming inside the gauge. Air contains water vapour, and the higher the temperature the more water vapour it contains. When the temperature drops (as it often does overnight) the air cools and releases the water vapour it has been carrying. When surfaces or objects cool to the point that the air around them can no longer contain its level of water vapour, the air will condense and form droplets on the surface of the object. Fantastic Work Bulb Buddies!


Law Primary School: All pupils in Primary 5 have really enjoyed planting the daffodils and crocus. They are working in pairs to record rainfall and temperature each day.