Rhestr Lyfrau - Lle i gael mwy o wybodaeth
Everyday History - Going to School gan Philip Steele (Franklin Watts 2000);
Victorian Britain gan Tony Triggs (Folens 1992);
Spotlight on the Victorians - a Practical Approach gan Sandy Brownjohn (Hodder & Stoughton 1998);
You Wouldn't Want to be a Victorian Schoolchild gan John Malam (Hodder Wayland 2001);
A Victorian School gan Richard Wood (Wayland 1994);
The History Detective Investigates - Victorian School gan Richard Wood (Hodder Wayland 2002);
A Late Victorian School in Wales gan Richard Carter & Walter Jones (Gomer 1994);
Victorian School-days in Wales gan Gerallt Nash (Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru/Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru 1991);
BBC Fact Finders - The Victorians gan Jayne Woodhouse & Viv Wilson (BBC Educational Publishing 1994).