Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Diniweidiaid a Thwyllwyr Cardiau (Gêm o Piquet)
MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest (1815 - 1891)
Dyddiad: 1861
Cyfrwng: olew ar fwrdd
Maint: 24.2 x 32.2 cm
Derbyniwyd: 1963; Cymynrodd; Margaret Davies
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2471
Casgliad: Casgliad y Chwiorydd Davies
Mae dau lanc ‘diniwed’ ar y dde yn paratoi ar gyfer eu cam nesaf mewn gêm o Piquet. Ymddengys nad ydynt fawr callach am gyfrwystrau’r gwrthwynebwyr, ond mae rhyw densiwn yn yr ystafell gan fod llaw’r dyn y tu cefn iddynt ar ei gleddyf. Roedd llawer yn edmygu Meissonier am goethder a manylder arbennig ei luniau o natur hanesyddol, a ddefnyddiai baentiadau Iseldiraidd yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg fel ysbrydoliaeth.
sylw - (4)
Hi Laura,
The curator has got in touch with us to say that this painting is currently part of a touring exhibition in Japan. The works in that exhibition are due to return in June 2018, when they will have to be re-acclimatised and checked before being put back on display.
Best wishes,
Digital Team
Hi there Laura
Thank you for your comment. We've asked the curator about this and we'll get back to you as soon as we get an answer. I hope you enjoyed your visit to the museum, even without this painting!
Best wishes
Digital Team
Can you please let me know if this painting is currently on display? Tried to look for it yesterday and it seems to have been moved from its usual place in the French Art room ?