Casgliadau Celf Arlein

Halswell House, Gwlad yr Haf [Halswell House, Somerset]

RICHARDS, John Inigo (1731 - 1810)

Dyddiad: 1764

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 74.3 x 118.1 cm

Derbyniwyd: 1929; Rhodd; T.J. Coggins

Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 510

Casgliad: Paentiadau Hanesyddol

Roedd Richards yn un o aelodau sylfaenol yr Academi Frenhinol a byddai'n arddangos yno'n rheolaidd. Ef oedd y prif beintiwr golygfeydd yn Covent Garden 1777-1803 a gwnaeth nifer o ddarluniau o dai bonedd. Cafodd Halswell ei adeiladu ar gyfer Syr Halswell Tynte ym 1689. Mae'r olygfa hon o'r tŷ a'r Parc yn cynnwys y deml Baladaidd gron a elwid y Rotunda, a rholiwr gardd a dynnid gan geffyl. Ar ddiwedd y ddeunawfed ganrif sylwodd un ymwelydd fel yr oedd y parc yn rhoi golygfa wych o'r 'Sianel...a Steep Holm yn codi'n falch o'r canol, a thu hwnt fynyddoedd Cymru yn codi y naill ar ôl y llall.' Ym 1740 etifeddwyd Halswell House gan Charles Kemeys-Tynte o Gefnmabli, Morgannwg.

sylw (3)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Kim Legate
26 Tachwedd 2014, 18:57
I would like to query how you arrived at the date (1764) for the John Inigo Richards painting of Halswell. Documentary evidence carried out prior to the recent restoration of the Rotunda indicates that it was not built until 1768. Inigo Richards was working at the nearby estate of Hestercombe the same year for his friend, Coplestone Warre Bampfylde (1720-1791).

I look forward to your reply.
Stephanie Roberts (Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales staff)
16 Hydref 2014, 16:14
Thank you for your comment. We have now amended the information.
Tess Hampton
5 Hydref 2014, 21:25
The label in the museum states that the building on the left is the "Temple of Harmony", which it is not; that has been restored and is now managed by the Halswell Park Trust. Neither is it to do with Robin Hood - that is a building up the hill behind the house, now managed by the Landmark Trust. This building is the Rotunda, now surrounded by trees and in great disrepair, but restoration just starting. It is still belongs to the main house, which was bought by a private buyer last year after the previous owner went bust. More info here:

I live nearby! And much enjoyed my visit to your museum last Sunday.
Nôl i hafan Casgliadau Celf Ar-lein

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