Casgliadau Celf Arlein
Argae François Zola
CÉZANNE, Paul (1839 - 1906)
Dyddiad: 1877-78
Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas
Maint: 54.2 x 74.2 cm
Derbyniwyd: 1952; Cymynrodd; Gwendoline Davies
Rhif Derbynoli: NMW A 2439
Casgliad: Casgliad y Chwiorydd Davies
Byddai Cézanne yn aml yn ymweld â bryniau l'Estaque, ychydig i'r Gorllewin o Marseilles. Daw'r olygfa hon ohonynt ar bapur wedi ei osod ar gynfas o'r cyfnod 1878-79 neu 1883-84. Erbyn 1885 yr oedd yn eiddo i Gauguin, a wnaeth gopi ohono mewn gouache gan synfyfyrio bod 'y llwybr troellog ar draws y tir toredig drwy'r coed ifanc yn ei atgoffa o'r llwybr unig a gerddodd Crist tuag at Fynydd yr Olewydd.' Mae'r cyfansoddiad eithradol wastad sydd wedi ei fynegi'n syml yn ein hatgoffa o sylw Cézanne fod tirwedd Provence 'fel cerdyn chwarae, toeon coch uwchben môr glas...Mae'r haul mor danbaid yma fel y bydd gwrthrychau i mi i'w gweld fel amlinellau...mewn glas, coch, brown a fioled...mae hynny i mi yn ymddangos fel y gwrthwyneb i fodelu.' Prynodd Gwendoline Davies y gwaith hwn ym Mharis ym 1918. Pan oedd ar ei fenthyg i Oriel Tate ym 1922, canmolwyd ef gan Roger Fry fel 'un o'r mwyaf o holl dirluniau Cézanne.'
sylw - (13)
Dear Vicky,
Thank you for getting in touch. The painting will be on display on those dates.
Wishing you an enjoyable visit!
Thank you very much for spotting this error; it has been brought to the attention of our Senior Curator of Historic Art. Please bear with us while an amended text is prepared for publication.
Best wishes,
Digital Team
Dear Astrid,
Thank you for your enquiry and interest in our artwork.
Yes we do have Gwendoline Davies’s receipt. She bought this painting and ‘Provençal Landscape’ from the dealer Bernheim Jeune for £2,750 in February 1918.
Gauguin’s wife Mette sold the painting to Danish collector Edvard Brandes when Gauguin went to Tahiti in 1891 leaving her with very little money. He tried to buy it back in 1894 but was unsuccessful. Gauguin’s gouache based on this painting is now in the Ny Carslberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Brandes later sold the painting to Baron Denis Cochin, from whom it was purchased by Bernheim Jeune.
Dr. Anne Pritchard
Uwch Curadur, Celf Hanesyddol / Senior Curator, Historic Art
It is a fantastic work..we are lucky to have it in Wales !
Thankyou..any information much appreciated.
Hi Becky,
Thank you for your comment,
Of our three Cezanne oils two are on loan to an Italian venue until April next year. The remaining work The Francois Zola Dam is on display in our French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism Gallery [Gallery 16 on the map].
Thanks in advance!
Hi there Catherine,
This painting will be on display in gallery 16 during September. I have checked with our art department and we have no plans to move it.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the museum, and seeing this beautiful painting up close!
All the best,
Digital Team
Please could you let me know if you have any paintings by Paul Cezanne exhibited atm .I plan to visit Cardiff in September 2015 , and a trip to your wonderful museum is always on the itinery .
Thank You