Delweddau Diwydiant

Locomotif Penydarren Trevithick ar ei daith nodedig rhwng Merthyr ac Abercynon, 21 Chwefror 1804

CUNEO, Terence Tenison (1907, November - 1996)

Dyddiad: 1963

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 623 x 720 mm

Derbyniwyd: 1963; Rhodd

Rhif Derbynoli: 63.274

sylw (2)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Sara Huws
13 Mehefin 2016, 11:18

Hi there Huiping Chu,

Thanks for your interest in this painting - the book sounds very interesting!

I recommend that you contact our Image Licensing Officer to discuss using the image in the book: email Image Licensing Officer.

All the best

Digital Team

Huiping Chu
11 Mehefin 2016, 19:24
Dear Sir/Madam,

Many thanks for reading my message! I am very interested in the Trevithick's Penydarren Locomotive on its Epic Journey from Merthyr to Abercynon, 21 Feb. 1804 (Accession Number: 63.274)I plan to employ it in my friend's book, which is a Chinese book about history of inventions all over the word. The book will be published in early 2017 and the printing run may be 10000. So could you let me know the price for the credit of this picture?


Huiping Chu
Nôl i hafan Delweddau Diwydiant

Pori artistiaid

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z i gyd Arall