Delweddau Diwydiant


ADAM, Marie-Edouard (1847 - 1929)

Dyddiad: 1880

Cyfrwng: olew ar gynfas

Maint: 620 x 920 mm

Derbyniwyd: 1999; Prynwyd

Rhif Derbynoli: 1999.91

sylw (4)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Sara Huws Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
13 Gorffennaf 2016, 15:06

Hi there John,

Thank you for your comment. I will pass it on to the curator, who will follow up via email.

All the best,

Digital Team

John Richardson
12 Gorffennaf 2016, 21:05
I have an oil painting of Pride of Wales passing Table Mountain on her maiden voyage. size 38 x 25 inches. if you like I'll e mail it to you. Best Regards John Richardson, Swansea,
Sara Huws Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
27 Gorffennaf 2015, 09:39

Shwmai John,

Thanks for getting in touch. I've passed on your email to our Image Licensing Officer, she will be able to help you with your enquiry. If you would like more information about the general images we offer, you can browse on our Picture Library page.


Digital Team

John Idris Jones
24 Gorffennaf 2015, 17:07

I am preparing a book 'Slate, Sail & Steam; the Growth of Porthmadog's Industries' for Amberley Publishing.

I would like to use your picture of the 'Pride of Wales'. I would only need it as a digital image on a disk, to 600dpi.

Could you do this and how much would you charge?


John Idris Jones Ruthin

Nôl i hafan Delweddau Diwydiant

Pori artistiaid

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z i gyd Arall