Delweddau Diwydiant


artist unknown

Dyddiad: 1910s

Cyfrwng: olew ar fwrdd

Maint: 190 x 325 mm

Derbyniwyd: 1981; Rhodd

Rhif Derbynoli: 81.39I/1

Paentiwyd y llong yma rhwybryd rhwng 1916 a 1918 pan oedd y Normandier yn eiddo i gwmni Brys & Gylsen, Llundain. Eithr yn wreiddiol fe'i hadeiladwyn gan gwmni Richardson. Duck o Stockton-on-Tees ym 1902 i W.J. Tatem, Caerdydd, gan ddwyn yr enw Northam ar y pryd. Wedi newid dwylo llawer o weithiau, fe'i sgrapiwyd yn yr Eidal ym 1931.

sylw (3)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
12 Gorffennaf 2018, 01:37
Tredree's book contains the ultimate "tastes like chicken" story.
Jennifer Protheroe-Jones Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
22 Medi 2017, 10:44

Thank you for your enquiry. This is indeed the same vessel as featured in Treedee’s book. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping lists only one vessel of this name around this time. At the time of the voyage described in the book, ownership had changed from Brys & Gylsen Ltd of London who owned it when the painting was done, to Lloyd Royal Belge (Great Britain) Ltd of London, a company that owned two dozen similar vessels. The Normandier traded into Cardiff at times during this period as some of its periodic surveys were done at that port.

Jennifer Protheroe-Jones
Principal Curator – Industry

12 Medi 2017, 21:59
Is this the same vessel HL Treedee writes about in his book: "The Strange Ordeal of the Normandier"
The time seems to match. A good read either way.
Nôl i hafan Delweddau Diwydiant

Pori artistiaid

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