Delweddau Diwydiant

Y sgwner MATILDA

FONDO, Nicola

Dyddiad: 1852

Cyfrwng: gouache ar bapur

Maint: 550 x 790 mm

Derbyniwyd: 1981; Rhodd

Rhif Derbynoli: 81.41I

sylw (1)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Tom Bennett
10 Ebrill 2018, 06:02
The identity is rather confusing as although there was a schooner MATILDA (198 ton) built in Prince Edward Isle, Canada in 1840, that traded in the Mediterranean in 1842, it is more likely to be the MATHILDIS and incorrectly named on the painting.

The only Welsh Schooner with a similar name is the MATHILDIS built New Quay (126 tons) but she had a Captain Phillips in 1842 not E Davies.
MATHILDIS, (which the painting could be) was lost at Cwm yr Eglwys in the great storm of October 1859. The Naples artist could quite easily get the name wrong, as they often painted sailing ships before they arrived and put the name on the flag afterwards. This resulted in some rigs even being incorrect as in the painting of the GWAUN MAID, which is not correct at all.
Nôl i hafan Delweddau Diwydiant

Pori artistiaid

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