Delweddau Diwydiant

Golygfa o reilffordd yng Ngorsaf Llangollen

PETRIE, James W. (1930 - 1997)

Dyddiad: 1980

Cyfrwng: dyfrlliw a lliw di-draidd ar bapur

Maint: 409 x 493 mm

Derbyniwyd: 1982; Prynwyd

Rhif Derbynoli: 82.7I

sylw (2)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Amgueddfa Cymru
20 Rhagfyr 2011, 16:13
Hello Duncan,
Thank you for your comment. This painting has recently been digitised, so you may be pleased to know that an images will appear online over the coming months. The work is in store at the National Collections Centre, Nantgarw. You will need to make an appointment to view this work. Please use the link in the
Duncan Petrie
11 Rhagfyr 2011, 11:04
Hi there,
I'm in the process of scanning and logging many of my father's pictures and found a NM of W post card of my father's Llangollen Station picture. I'm pleased to see references to it at the museum so must bring my children to see it the next time we visit friends in Cardiff. Please keep me posted if there is any change of status with the artwork?
Best Regards,
Duncan Petrie
Nôl i hafan Delweddau Diwydiant

Pori artistiaid

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