: Oriel 1

Goddess update...

Sian Lile-Pastore, 20 Mawrth 2009

Dibyendu Dey and Purnendu Dey have been working hard in Oriel 1 and a great deal has been accomplished in the last couple of days. The hay structures of Durga (along with the lion she is sitting on and the buffalo demon), Ganesh, Lakshmi, Sarasvati and Kartikeya are pretty much complete and Sarasvati even has the beginnings of her musical instrument! ('m not sure at the moment if it's a sitar or a veena, but will let you know!)


Visitors to the gallery have been enjoying watching the artists at work and Anuradha Roma Choudhury, the interpreter for the project, is on hand to chat to everyone about the work and the iconography behind it. Make sure you come by and have a look!


Yr artist Dibyendu Dey yn plethu gwifren a gwellt i ffurfio pen




Y Dduwies Durga, ei llew, a'r diawl byfflo wedi eu ffurfio o wellt a gwifren






Sian Lile-Pastore, 20 Mawrth 2009

I have now been informed that 'Ganesh' should be spelt with 'Ganesha', so please accept my apologies!


Ganesha has four arms and the head of an elephant, with those big elephant ears enabling him to hear the needs of his people. The multiple arms demonstrate Ganesha's immense power and ability to perform several acts at the same time. This deity brings good luck and clears all obstacles and is therefore worshipped before important events and rituals.


If you look at the picture below you will see that Dibyendu Dey and Purnendu Dey have now covered the straw structure with clay and the image of Ganesha can be clearly seen. He is looking truly impressive!

More Goddess!

Sian Lile-Pastore, 19 Mawrth 2009

Here are some more photos of the work so far!

Ffurfio corff Ganesha wrth glymu gwellt at strwythur gwifren

Creu Duwies

Sian Lile-Pastore, 18 Mawrth 2009

Dros y pythefnos nesa yn Oriel 1, Sain Ffagan mae dau artist o India: Purnendu Dey a Dibyendu Dey, yn mynd ati i greu delw o’r Dduwies Hind?aidd Durga. Bob dydd bydd lluniau ychwanegol ar y blog ac adroddiad bach i chi gyd cael gwybod sut mae’r gwaith yn dod yn ei flaen! Wrth gwrs, mae’n llawer gwell os ydych yn gallu dod draw i’r Oriel i weld yr artistiaid wrth eu gwaith. Mae’r ddau artist yn gweithio trwy’r dydd yn yr amgueddfa, a bydd cyfle i chi gael siarad efo nhw a’r dehonglydd rhwng 11.30 a 12.30 a 2.00 a 3.00 bob dydd. Am rhagor o wybodaeth edrychwch ar wefan yr amgueddfa.

Ddoe dechreuodd Purnendu Dey a Dibyendu Dey ar eu gwaith, felly dim ond y gwaith paratoi sydd wedi cael ei gyflawni hyd yn hyn: maent wedi adeiladu cefnlenni allan o bren a mae papur wrthi’n cael ei mwydo mewn bwced o dd?r. Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod i chi gael weld beth sydd wedi digwydd mor belled!