: Blwyddyn Ryngwladol Bioamrywiaeth

Palu yn y pridd

Danielle Cowell, 28 Hydref 2010

Ar dydd Mercher 20 Hydref cafod miloedd o blant hwyl yn palu yn y pridd fel rhan o broject Bylbiau’r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion – ymchwil newid hinsawdd.

Roedd nifer yn edrych ymlaen i blannu’r bylbiau bach y byddant yn gofalu amdanynt tan y gwanwyn nesaf. Yr wythnos nesaf bydd yr ysgolion yn dechrau casglu cofnodion tywydd a chwblhau sialensiau Athro’r Ardd er mwyn ennill eu Tystysgrifau Gwyddonwyr Gwych.

Mae’r project yma yn gyfle gwych i ddysgu y tu allan i’r ystafell ddosbarth, ond mae hefyd yn fodd i Amgueddfa Cymru rannu gwybodaeth ac adnoddau  gwyddonol gydag ysgolion ledled Cymru.

Yr ystadegau...

Mae 5.4% o ysgolion cynradd Cymru yn cymryd rhan eleni, 2,681 o ddisgyblion mewn 71 ysgol ar drws Cymru.

Mae 60% o’r ysgolion dros 30 milltir o Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, sy’n bencadlys yr ymchwiliad. 

Mae 42% o’r ysgolion wedi’u lleoli yng Ngogledd Cymru, 33.8% yn Ne Ddwyrain Cymru, 16.9% yng Ngorllewin Cymru a 8.4% yng Nghanolbarth Cymru.

Mae 38% wedi’u lleoli mewn ardaloedd Cymunedau’n 1af ac mae 40% yn ysgolion Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog.

Mae 37% yn cymryd rhan yn y project am y tro cyntaf tra bo 63% wedi bod yn rhan o’r project am ddwy flynedd neu fwy.

Opening up the Collections

Peter Howlett, 20 Hydref 2010

Final Natural History Open day – Wednesday 27th October 2010

Members of the public will be given an intimate insight into the museum’s natural history collections next week. As part of the International Year of Biodiversity, the departments of Biodiversity and Systematic Biology along with Geology have been holding open days throughout the year to showcase the work that they do.

Museum experts in a wide range of fields, from bugs to beetles, dandelions to diatoms can all be found in the main hall along with a crazy array of critters from the national collections. Visitors can also sign up for a wide variety of behind the scenes tours where they will be able to find out more about the incredible collections that the museum holds and the research that we do.

I will be running tours of the large shell collection, showcasing some of the 2 million shell specimens that we hold as well as explaining some of the work that is carried out by our researchers. Other tours will take you round the Welsh National Herbarium, the amazing vertebrate collections with their primate skeletons and stuffed animals, the insect collections with butterfly specimens over a hundred years old, and the vast array of pickled animals in jars in our marine lab.

This is to be the final open day for this year, so don’t miss your chance! Come and meet the experts and take the opportunity for a unique trip behind the scenes. Book your tour place on the day - numbers are limited to 10-12 people on each tour. Tours are suitable for ages 8 and over, but unfortunately are unsuitable for people with limited mobility because of the stairs involved.

Jennifer Gallichan

Amser Swper @ Nyth Cam!

Gareth Bonello, 20 Mai 2010

Edrychwch ar y gyfres yma o lyniau o'r Titywod Fawr sy'n nythu yn ein blwch nythu gyda camerau arbennig!

Moth Night

Gareth Bonello, 19 Mai 2010

Thanks to everyone who came to the Moth Night last Saturday. It was the first time we've had a moth night at St Fagans and I found it very interesting. I'll definitely like to do more in the future!

My personal favourite moths on the night were the Lunar Marbled Brown and the Nut-Tree Tussock. Here's a list of all the species we found - thanks to Dave at SEWBReC for this!

Micropterix thunbergella

Eriocrania subpurpurella

Agonopterx cf heracliana

Capua vulgana

Dark-barred Twinspot Carpet

Small Phoenix

Golden-rod Pug

Mottled Pug


Coxcomb Prominent

Lunar Marbled Brown

Flame Shoulder

Common Quaker

Hebrew Character

Nut-tree Tussock

Pictures and loads more info on moths can be found at UK Moths