: Addysg

A Mobile Laboratory visits the Museum

Christian Baars, 20 Gorffennaf 2017

There are times in life when a problem and its solution come together seamlessly.

The problem – one which every museum faces: cryptic causes of deterioration of stored objects.

The solution: investigation using the latest chemical analyses.

One step better: to combine this analysis with the mission of museums – inspiring people – and undertake the investigative work with full public engagement.

Like most museums, National Museum Cardiff has the task of slowing down corrosion to preserve collections. Think of your family silver tarnishing and you know what I am talking about. Multiply this by hundreds of thousands of metal objects in our collection and you understand the herculean task we face when we come to work every day.

Like most museums, we do not have much equipment to undertake complex chemical analyses. So when we want to investigate the magnitude of potential sources of corrosive airborne substances in our collection stores, we often work in partnership with academic institutions.

SEAHA is an initiative between three universities with industry and heritage partners to improve our understanding of heritage science. Heritage science is multi disciplinary and includes experts with chemistry, imaging, IT, engineering, architecture and other backgrounds. One of SEAHA’s amazing facilities is a fully equipped mobile laboratory. We submitted an application last year for the mobile lab to come to Cardiff which, amazingly (there is much demand for this vehicle), was approved. Last week, staff and postgraduate students from University College London, one of SEAHA’s academic partners, visited National Museum Cardiff.

The Mobile Heritage Lab was at the museum for two days. During this time, we assessed environments and pollutants in collection stores and in public galleries. We undertook this work with full involvement of our museum visitors. The mobile lab was parked next to the museum entrance where we encouraged our visitors to explore the on-board analytical equipment. UCL staff and students were at hand to explain how science helps us preserve heritage collections, for example how UV fluorescence is used to explore paintings.

We received a visit by A-level students from Fitzalan High School in Cardiff in the morning. The students were especially interested in chemistry. After a quick introduction, we gave the students an ultra-fine particle counter to produce a pollutant map of the public galleries at the museum. The students used this equipment to measure ultra-fine dust inside and outside the museum. We are still analysing these data, but the early results indicate that the museum’s air filtration system is doing a good job at keeping dust out of the building. This is important because the gases associated with ultra-fine particles (for example, SO2) can damage paper and other organic materials.

We also measured concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in collection stores and found that levels were higher inside drawers in the Entomology collection than in the store itself; this is important in the context of entomological pin corrosion. We managed to confirm that work we undertook recently to reduce the levels of VOC in the museum’s Mineralogy store had been effective and successful. In addition, we used a thermal imaging camera to check whether relatively high temperatures in a display case are caused by heating pipes in the wall behind the case, or by in-case lighting.

The Mobile Heritage Lab’s visit provided us with an opportunity to answer some important questions about the way we care for the museum’s collections. At the same time, we managed to teach students the practical applications of investigative science and analytical chemistry. Lastly, we spoke to many museum visitors about the role played by science in the preservation of heritage collections. We are extremely grateful for the fruitful partnership with SEAHA and hope to collaborate on additional projects in the near future. For example, there are some interesting questions surrounding the deposition of different types of dust which we discussed over a beer on Thursday evening. Watch this space as multi-disciplinary heritage science is becoming ever more important for answering questions of collection care and preservation. Museums are best placed to working in partnerships on important scientific questions while achieving public impact by explaining to a wider audience how science works.

Find out more about Care of Collections at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales here and follow us on Twitter.

Ysgol Tonyrefail yn archwilio natur yn Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru

Penny Dacey, 19 Gorffennaf 2017

Bob blwyddyn mae ysgolion sy’n gwneud cyfraniad mawr yn cael eu dewis fel enillwyr Project Bylbiau’r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion – un o bob gwlad sy’n cymryd rhan. Ymddiriedolaeth Edina sy’n trefnu gwobrau yr Alban a Lloegr (a Gogledd Iwerddon o’r flwyddyn nesaf ymlaen), gydag Amgueddfa Cymru’n trefnu gwobrau’r ysgol fuddugol yng Nghymru.

Yr enillwyr eleni oedd Ysgol Gynradd Tonyrefail, a’u gwobr oedd trip i Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, gyda bws a gweithdai addysgiadol am ddim. Roedd yn bleser cyfarfod â’r grŵp ac fe gawson ni amser wrth ein bodd yn astudio natur yn Sain Ffagan.

Dyma fi’n croesawu’r grŵp oddi ar y bws ac yn eu harwain drwy’r Amgueddfa i Sgubor Hendre Wen. Anaml mae’r sgubor ar agor i’r cyhoedd, a dim ond yn ddiweddar mae wedi dechrau cael ei defnyddio fel gofod addysgiadol i ysgolion. Dyma oedd ein pencadlys ni am y diwrnod, ac roedd y plant yn edrych ymlaen i glywed am yr ystlumod a’r adar sydd wedi ymgartrefu yn y sgubor!

Dechreuais drwy ddiolch i’r grŵp am eu gwaith caled ar y project, a gofyn sut oedden nhw’n cadw trefn ar y gwaith yn y dosbarth? Wedyn, dyma fi’n rhoi cyflwyniad byr o ganlyniadau’r project i ddangos sut mae eu gwaith wedi cyfrannu at astudiaeth hirdymor o effaith newid hinsawdd ar ddyddiadau blodeuo bylbiau’r gwanwyn. Un adborth diddorol oedd syniad clyfar y dosbarth i ddefnyddio rotor i ddangos tro pwy oedd hi i gasglu data bob wythnos, a gwneud yn siŵr bod pawb yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan.

Dyma ni wedyn yn rhannu’n ddau grŵp. Aeth Grŵp A gyda Hywel i’r Tanerdy i astudio’r bywyd gwyllt sy’n byw yn y pyllau – roedd y pyllau’n arfer cael eu defnyddio i drin lledr, ond bellach mae nhw wedi llenwi â dŵr. Wrth chwilio dyma nhw’n canfod amryw greaduriaid sydd wedi ymgartrefu yn y pyllau, a thrafod eu cylch bywyd a’u cynefin. Cafodd y grŵp hefyd gyfle i ddal Madfall Ddŵr Balfog, oedd yn brofiad newydd sbon i’r mwyafrif!

Dilynodd Grŵp B fi i’r guddfan adar, lle buon ni’n braslunio’r coed ac yn defnyddio binocwlars a thaflenni adnabod adar i adnabod trigolion y goedwig. Roedden ni’n lwcus iawn i gael gweld amrywiaeth o adar, gan gynnwys cnocell fraith fwyaf! Daeth wiwerod a llygod coed i ddweud helo hefyd, oedd bron mor gyffrous â gweld yr adar. Dyma ni’n trafod y rhywogaethau adar gwahanol, eu lliwiau, eu cylch bywyd a’u cynefin. Dyma ni hefyd yn trafod sut mae bywyd gwyllt yn elwa o’r lle bwydo a beth allwn ni ei wneud yn ein gerddi neu ar dir yr ysgol i helpu bywyd gwyllt.

Ar ôl i’r grwpiau gyfnewid, fel bod pawb yn cael cyfle i archwilio’r goedwig a’r pyllau, dyma ni’n cael cinio yn y sgubor ac atebodd Hywel lawer o gwestiynau am yr Ystlumod Hirglust Brown, y rhywogaeth dan warchodaeth sy’n clwydo yn nhrawstiau’r sgubor.

Ar ôl cinio dyma ni’n cael trafodaeth ehangach ar gynefin a meddwl am y trychfilod gwahanol sydd i’w gweld yn ein gerddi. Roedd y drafodaeth yn help mawr gyd thasg nesaf y plant – creu gwesty trychfilod i fynd adref gyda nhw. Dyma ni’n ailgylchu potiau planhigion, gwellt yfed a gwellt naturiol wrth adeiladu, a thrafod ble fyddai orau i osod y gwestai i ddenu gwahanol drychfilod. Dewisodd rhai o’r grŵp osod eu gwestai mewn llefydd heulog, uchel er mwyn denu gwenyn unigol, a dewisodd eraill lefydd cysgodol ar y llawr er mwyn denu pryfed sy’n hoff o amodau oerach.

Dim ond ei gwneud hi’n ôl i’r bws mewn pryd wnaethon ni wrth i ni edrych am bryfed ar hyd y llwybrau. Fe ges i a Hywel diwrnod gwych ac o’r wên ar eu hwynebau a’r adborth ffafriol, cafodd Ysgol Tonyrefail amser wrth eu bodd hefyd. Diolch eto Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn!


Adborth Ysgol Gynradd Tonyrefail:

‘Dwi’n credu taw dyma un o’n hoff dripiau achos dwi heb weld y rhan fwyaf o beth welais i heddiw ac mae mor ddiddorol.’

‘Fe ges i amser da a mwynhau gwylio adar a chwilio’r pwll. Roeddwn i’n hoffi gwylio adar achos ei fod yn ddiddorol ac roeddwn i’n gallu gysgu am rywogaethau do’n i ddim yn gwybod amdanyn nhw o’r blaen.’

‘Fe wnes i fwynhau heddiw yn bennaf achos chwilio’r pyllau a’r gwylio adar.’

‘Fe ges i hwyl heddiw. Roeddwn i’n hoffi’r gwylio adar achos fe welais i rai adar am y tro cynta.’

‘Nes i fwynhau dal y fadfall ddŵr achos ei fod yn teimlo fel dal putty byw, ac fe wnes i hoffi gwylio’r adar achos eu bod nhw’n edrych yn bert iawn.’

‘Roeddwn i’n mwynhau achos dyma’r tro cyntaf i fi ddal madfall ddŵr. Roeddwn i’n falch bod fy ngwesty trychfilod wedi troi allan yn grêt.’

‘Fe ges i hwyl yn cwrdd â pawb a roen i’n dwlu gwneud gwesty trychfilod achos ei fod yn hwyl. Roedd heddiw yn hwyl.’

‘Roeddwn i’n hoffi gwneud y gwesty trychfilod achos dwi’n hoffi gwneud pethau.’

Arnie the Guide Dog’s guide to the Museum

Stephanie Roberts, 18 Gorffennaf 2017

Regular visitors might recognise Arnie the guide dog. He helped us to develop National Museum Cardiff's audio description tours, visited our Quentin Blake exhibition and even blogged about his Museum adventures! Arnie has recently retired from guiding duties and has handed his harness over to Uri, an enthusiastic young pup just out of training.

Ever the cultured canine, Arnie wanted to make sure Uri gets to sample the best of the National Museum but for a young pup the first visit can be scary. He has written so has written a few words to help Uri - and other guide dogs - take their first steps into the Museum.

Arnie's advice

"The National Museum Cardiff is a very old, impressive building that towers into the sky. It looks similar to other buildings in the area, but you'll know it because it has a big set of steps in front and a giant ball on top called the dome. The road outside is usually busy with traffic so your humans will need your help to cross. On either side of the front steps is some grass. You can 'spend' here but make sure you indicate to your humans that there's a step down to the grass. They might be safer letting you on a long lead and staying on the pavement.

You may feel overwhelmed as you stand at the bottom of the steps looking up at the building. I still get queasy. The stone ceiling looks like it's being held up by stilts (Mum calls them 'Grecian columns'), but I've been assured they're safe. The steps up to the Museum are in two flights, with brass rails zig-zagging across. You will need to guide your owner to the next rail between each flight. If you're feeling adventurous you might want to use the magic glass box that lifts you into the air instead. This is to the left of the steps, through a gate. Once inside, look out for the large silver button to the left - this opens the door.

Once you reach the top of the stairs you will need to guide your owner through the massive brass doorway. Then you will come to a set of glass doors that open automatically. They are much safer for us guide dogs than the old revolving type - less danger of getting squished! Be careful as you enter the Main Hall - your paws may slip on the marble-effect floor. You will hear lots of noises echoing and reverberating because the ceiling is so high. Guide your owner to the reception desk, which is straight ahead across the hall.

And then the best bit. You will soon be hit by a whiff of cakes and biscuits from the coffee shop to your left. Drooling is inevitable, but stay calm. This is the first of many temptations you will encounter. The Museum is full of animals you can't chase, bones you can't eat, and rocks you can't spend a penny on. Enjoy!"  

We wish Arnie the very best in his retirement and look forward to welcoming Uri and other guide dogs to the Museum. Our next Audio Description tour is on the 10th August. Cultured canines and Guide Dogs in training welcome!

Staff exchange to Jamtli – Part Three

Joe Lewis, 14 Gorffennaf 2017

In parts one and two I discussed the highlights of the galleries, learning department and the carpentry. In this post I will be discussing the highlights of the historic buildings.

Historic Buildings

On the final day of our exchange we had a full tour of the historic buildings with Marina, head of Historyland. The buildings we visited included a 19th century Inn, 18th century timber farm fortification, a 19th century school, a 1940s house and 1970s buildings. The tour also included a chance to look inside a 1950s bus which was used as a mobile shop. The bus reminded me of the van I used to load when I worked in a fruit and veg store back in my teenage years (in the 2000s not the 1950s).

One of the highlights of the tour was the 19th century inn, which was also used as a court house. Underneath the inn was a cellar that was not only used for storage but also to house prisoners before a trial. It would have been a tight squeeze to fit in this tiny space! Another highlight were the desks in the 19th century school that had a sandbox across the top for young children to practice their letters. In our Maestir school we have small sand boxes for this purpose, so it was interesting to see these on a larger scale. 

My favourite area we visited was definitely the 1970s. This area included a country shack for hippies to escape the hustle and bustle of the modern world and a luxury family villa. Both buildings showed how immersive Historyland must be when it’s in action. It was like walking back in time into someone’s home. The buildings were full of clothes, furniture and working 70s technology. You were free to fully explore and even look inside the drawers and cupboards which were full of bits and bobs from the 70s. Each room of the villa was a different world to explore. In the parents room there were clothes and wigs, in the children’s room there were toys, in the teenage girl’s room there were drawings of her favourite pop stars, and in the teenage boy’s room there was even a 1970s adult magazine hidden away in a drawer! I can’t imagine a British museum being so risqué!

Overall experience

Overall it was a great experience to see another open air museum in action and to pick up some tips on making the visitor experience more interactive. All the staff were very friendly and informative and the people we met in Östersund were all very friendly and courteous. I look forward to an opportunity to return to Sweden and I would definitely like to see Historyland in full swing.

International Tiger Day 2017

Jennifer Gallichan, 13 Gorffennaf 2017

On 29th July, we are going to take part in an international event to support tiger conservation across the world.

You may be shocked to realize that we have lost 97% of all wild tigers. Worldwide, tigers are on the brink of extinction with many species listed as Endangered or Critically Endangered. The goal of the day is to raise public awareness of tiger conservation issues, and to work to find a way to halt their rapid decline. This is an annual event that we will be taking part in for the first time.  The day was first celebrated in 2010 following the Tiger Summit held in St. Petersburg.

Many international organisations will be involved in events across the globe, working towards increasing the numbers of tigers in the wild. So what will be happening at the museum on international tiger day?

The star of the show will be Bryn, a most handsome Sumatran Tiger. Bryn came to the museum in 2016 after spending his life at the Welsh Mountain Zoo in Colwyn Bay. You can find out more about him by reading my last blog. Bryn will only be on display for this one day, so do not miss this opportunity to come and see him up close.

Helping us learn more about Bryn will be the ever-wonderful Dr Rhys Jones. Lecturer, reptile specialist, jungle man and wildlife welfare warrior, Rhys has worked with many charities in conserving and rescuing endangered and exotic animals.

We are especially pleased to announce that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will be joining us, one of the key charities involved in conservation efforts across the globe. WWF work closely with governments around the world to provide support for surveying and protecting tigers and have launched Tx2. An ambitious conservation project aiming to double the number of tigers in the wild by 2022 – the next Chinese year of the tiger.

I am also incredibly excited to announce that the fabulous Nicola Davies (@nicolakidsbooks) will be with us running big cat activities throughout the day. Nicola is a wonderful children’s author with an infectious enthusiasm for animals and the natural world. Join her for storytelling sessions and rhyming activities (bookable on the day).

There will also be drop-in activities throughout the day so there is plenty to keep you and your family busy. We can't wait to see you. You can find out more on our Facebook event page, or What’s On.

You can follow global tiger events on social media using a range of hashtags: #doubletigers, #iprotectTigers, #TigersForever, #3890tigers.

If you want to find out more about what is being done to protect tigers, here are some useful webpages: Project Tiger, Tigers ForeverSave the Tiger fund, WildTeam & Save Tigers Now.