Mae'r planhigion yn ymddangos!

Penny Dacey, 11 Ionawr 2022

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am rannu eich data tywydd a'ch lluniau! Rydym wedi bod yn rhannu 'sylwad yr wythnos' ar Twitter ac rwyf wedi cynnwys y rhain yma.

Rwyf wedi mwynhau darllen eich sylwadau a chlywed eich meddyliadau ar y tywydd. Mae'n gyffrous clywed bod rhai planhigion wedi cychwyn tyfu! Rwyf wedi rhannu rhai o'ch sylwadau isod.

Cofiwch wylio eich planhigion yn agos dros yr wythnosau nesaf, i weld sut maen nhw'n newid. Gofynnwn am fesuriad uchder i'r wefan unwaith mae'r blodyn wedi agor yn llawn. Ond os ydych hefo'r diddordeb, cadwch gofnodion eich hun o dwf eich planhigion am hwyl?

Yn ystod yr wythnosau nesa byddwn yn dadansoddi'r data a gofnodwyd i ddyfalu pryd y bydd ein planhigion yn blodeuo! Plîs rhowch yr holl ddata rydych wedi'i gasglu hyd yn hyn i'r wefan cyn gynted ag y gallwch, er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod ein rhagfynegiadau mor gywir â phosibl.

Os ydych wedi colli rhai dyddiau neu os nad ydych yn cymryd rhan yn y prosiect ond yr hoffech ei ddilyn gyda'ch ysgol, gellir defnyddio gwefan WOW y MET Office i gasglu a rhannu darlleniadau tywydd ar gyfer eich ardal.

Plîs rhannwch luniau, lluniadau a gwybodaeth am unrhyw gamau yr ydych yn eu cymryd  ynghylch newid yn yr hinsawdd gyda ni drwy e-bost a Twitter.

Daliwch ati gyda'r gwaith da Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Athro'r Ardd


Eich Sylwadau:

Hendredenny Park Primary: Rain gauge fell over and thermometer broke. Athro A: I’m sorry to hear your thermometer is broken, do you have another you can use? If not let me know and I will send you a new one.

Glyngaer Primary School: Very wet and rainy this week.

Pil Primary School: There was a lot of rain at the beginning of the week and the temperature was very cold this week.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: We have been having a lot more rain this week and has been colder.

Pil Primary School: The temperature was nearly the same all week. There wasn't much rain, only on Monday.

Darran Park Primary: It has been very cloudy this week. With a bit of misty rain.

Oaklands Primary: A wet week this week and a few more bulbs are peeping through the soil. Athro A: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, I’m glad to hear that your plants are growing.

Darran Park Primary: The weather has felt quite cold this week. We had more rain at the beginning of the week.

Our Lady of Peace Primary: My data entering elves are self-isolating!

Gavinburn Primary School: We have loved keeping weather records this term. It has been a mild Autumn with not a lot of rain. Merry Christmas Professor Plant.

Glyngaer Primary School: Not sure yet but we think we see a tiny bit of green in one of our pots. Looking forward to checking when we get back from Christmas holidays. Athro A: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, let me know if you were right!

Oaklands Primary: Quite a warm week this week. We’re hoping it’ll be colder for Christmas!!

Arsylwadau Tywydd Ysgolion

Penny Dacey, 7 Ionawr 2022

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am rannu eich data tywydd i'r wefan. Rwyf wedi atodi rhai o'ch sylwadau isod. Mae'n ddiddorol clywed eich sylwadau ar y tywydd ac rwy'n gyffrous bod cymaint o'ch planhigion wedi pechu drwy'r pridd.

Daliwch ati Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Athro’r Ardd


Eich sylwadau:


Carnbroe Primary School: We have found that 6 of our plant have green shoots.

St Michael's RC Primary: We aren't in school today so we are submitting now in case we forget later!

Ysgol Y Ddwylan: Diweddglo sych i wythnos gwlyb.

Fleet Wood Lane Primary School: Not that much rain this week. Last day of school today! see you next year. p.s merry Christmas and a happy new year!

St Mary's Primary School (Cardiff): The daffodil bulbs started to grow. We have put some leaves on top to protect them from the cold.

Ysgol Deganwy: Four more plants have started to come out of the soil.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Temp is rising and we are getting a bit more rain. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Llanharan Primary School: Colour starting to show on some of the Crocus

Glyngaer Primary School: It was very damp and it had been a bit stormy.

Sandal Castle VA Community Primary School: We had snow on Monday 29th November! Athro A: I hope the snow was fun Bulb Buddies!

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School: This week our rain-gauge froze this week. Athro A: That’s exciting Bulb Buddies. Did you thaw the ice to take your rain measurement?

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: The rain is starting to appear, and the temp is dropping.

Pil Primary School: It rained all week and it was quite cold.

Hendredenny Park Primary: We were late on Tuesday so we did it at half past two instead.

St Michael's RC Primary: The sky looked a funny colour today, we thought it would rain or snow but it was dry all day.

Henllys CIW Primary: Some of our bulbs are trying to push through.

Our Lady of Peace Primary School: It was very cold on Monday and lots of rain on Wednesday!

Ysgol Deganwy: 1 plant has started to grow by 1cm.

Moffat Academy: This week was dry and sunny but the temperature was quite cold and windy. The week went fast.

Moffat Academy: Rainy week but the rain collector was tipped over frequently. On Monday we had a snowy day.

Fleet Wood Lane Primary School: It has been cold this week!

Cilfynydd Primary: We think we have more than the mystery bulbs growing. Athro A: That’s exciting Bulb Buddies. I’d love to see a photo of your mystery mystery bulb!

Glyncoed Primary: Some of our bulbs have started to grow.

St Mary's Primary School (Cardiff): We are starting to see that some plants are starting to grow now. Hopefully these will grow fully soon!

St Patrick's Legamaddy: More of a wet week this week with Storm Barra.

St Joseph's Cathedral Primary (Swansea): Our plants were affected by the heavy wind. Some of the soil has been blown out of the pots and some of the bulbs are showing. We will put some soil on top again. Athro A: Welldone for looking after your bulbs Bulb Buddies!

Ysgol Deganwy: 1 more plant has started to grow.

Oaklands Primary: It was quite a wet week but still warmer than last week. We have noticed that some of our bulbs are starting to peep through the soil!

Glyngaer Primary School: It was much colder than the temperature we recorded. It was very windy and it made it feel very cold.

Oaklands Primary: It's been a really dry, but very cold week here. We've had frost and we are hoping for some snow on the weekend.

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School: This week has had high and low temperatures!

Oaklands Primary: We hope that our bulbs aren't getting too swollen by the rain. It's been a wet one here this week! Athro A: I’m sure your bulbs will be Okay. If you notice water collecting at the top of your pots the soil may be saturated and you could tip the excess out.

Ysgol Chwilog: diolch am help efo talgrynu

Gavinburn Primary School: There wasn't much rain and it was fun learning how to do the weather records. Athro A: I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the project Bulb Buddies.

Glyncoed Primary: We were not in school on Thursday and Friday so didn't collect any data.

Gavinburn Primary School: It was a mild week. We enjoyed doing the weather records.

Glyncoed Primary: Our Mystery Bulb has sprouted!!

Willow Green Academy: Gradually got colder as the week went on.

St Michael's RC Primary: It’s felt much colder this week!

Willow Green Academy: Rainfall early Monday Morning. No fall after.

St Michael's RC Primary: It feels like there’s been more rain than there actually has! Athro A: It sounds like you’ve had a drizzly week Bulb Buds.

Our Lady of Peace Primary School: It was very cold today!

Darran Park Primary: The weather has been sunny and dry for 4 days and on Friday the temperature has dropped and it has rained.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: It’s been a cold week especially on Thursday - they say we have snow forecast for next week! Athro A: Was the forecast right Bulb Buddies? Have you had snow?

Pil Primary School: It has been very cold and windy this week and there was no rain. We have enjoyed recording the rainfall and temperature this week.

Canon Peter Hall C of E Primary School: All done before midday.

Ysgol Tudno: Do we empty the rain gauge every day? Athro A: Yes please Bulb Buds, empty the rain gauge after taking your readings Mon-Fri.

St Joseph's Cathedral Primary (Swansea): Everything has been ok this week. We need to make sure that children don't move our plants.

Outwood Primary Academy Kirkhamgate: It was windy. It was cold. It snowed at the weekend. We saw the green tips of five shoots. We covered some of the bulbs with more soil as they were not covered. We are working as a team in school. Athro A: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, keep up the great work!

Llanharan Primary School: We have started to see daffodils and crocus begin to sprout in several of the pots.

Fleet Wood Lane Primary School: Merry Christmas PS-thank you for the card

Pil Primary School: The temperature didn't change much this week. We liked reading the thermometer this week.

Hendredenny Park Primary: On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we took the measurements late because we were practising our Christmas concert.

Outwood Primary Academy Kirkhamgate: It feels cold. It's windy. DRY. It's been damp.

Logan Primary School: It has been quite mild weather this week.

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School: It was a very wet week!

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School: We love our garden gang!

Our Lady of Peace Primary School: Sorry we're late we didn't know how to send this information at first, but we've got the hang of it now. Athro A: Well done Bulb Buddies, keep up the good work.

Gavinburn Primary School: It was a very dry starter week. We enjoyed doing the weather records

YGG Tonyrefail: It's been a dry week. Wythnos sych yr wythnos hon!

Henllys CIW Primary: Sometimes there is dew still in the pot in the afternoon and not rain.

Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School: It was drier this week.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: What a dry week! The temperature seems to be dropping.

Canon Peter Hall C of E Primary: Data taken between 9 and 10 in the morning.

Glyngaer Primary School: It was grey, boring, damp, drizzly, cloudy and gloomy. Although it drizzled all week our water gauge didn't collect even half a mm of water.

Pil Primary School: The weather has been very mild this week with some rain. We liked recording our results!

Carnbroe Primary School: No shoots as yet.

Our Lady of Peace Primary School: The temperature was higher on Thursday and Friday than usual!

Cilfynydd Primary: We have one plant pot with two plants growing. They are starting to grow really tall. Athro A: Fantastic news Bulb Buddies!

Valleys Re-Told

Klara Sroka, 17 Rhagfyr 2021

The Valleys Re-Told Project was initially conceived three years ago, when a local resident was overheard saying how she distinctly remembered the heavy snowfall during her pregnancy, whilst chatting with a friend over a Laurence Stephen Lowry painting.

This serendipitous moment was filled with personal nostalgia, could this chance conversation lead to unearthing many other new discussions and explanations about significant artworks that relate to the people and places of the south Wales valleys?

This is the aim of the Valleys Retold Project; a collaboration between communities and schools to generate a new collection which is derived from individual knowledge and interpretations based on existing artworks that truly reflect the heritage and identity of this extraordinary region.

This project is led by the Community Engagement and Learning Officer, Klara Sroka, at National Museum Wales. She is working in partnership with Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery and Cynon Valley Museum and Galley Trust, which will span over 3 years.

Klara has spent 16 years as an Art and Design educator, assisted Charlotte Church in 2019 in setting up the first democratic school in Wales, and in 2020 completed her master's in fine Art. She is a practicing artist who has a passion in engaging people with art and local Welsh heritage.

In the first year Klara will be recruiting two schools and two community groups to take part in a series of participatory and creative activities with the aim of encouraging meaningful explorations from the existing art collections from all three museums. The confirmed groups for the first year are Lee Gardens Pool Committee, Coleg y Cymoedd, Merthyr Tydfil Historical Society, Dowlais Primary School, and there are various art groups that will also be involved such as the Dowlais Art Group and Painting4Fun. This will be the first co-created project of its kind that encapsulates the voices and histories of so many people from the south Wales valleys.

Klara has been busy visiting both museums since late October 2021 and is looking forward to building a strong working partnership and methodology with Cyfarthfa Castle’s lead Chris Parry and Will Tregaskes at Cynon Valley Museum and Art Gallery. 

Over the coming months Klara will be meeting the various groups to personally introduce the project and discuss the next steps. She has also been working on collating a database which documents all known existing artworks related to the valleys from the three museums. 

This will be used to identify the most significant pieces of art by all involved which will become part of this crucial collection. 

There will be an ongoing evaluation to document the engagement and participation of all groups as well as a new understanding of what the social impact of this project may bring to all involved.

In the second year, a similar process will develop, with four new community partnerships that have links to either Merthyr Tydfil or Aberdare in the hope to further evolve and enhance and the existing findings which will become part of a rich accessible resource for future generations.

This project has been funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund.

When human loss triggers an inhuman response

Angham Abdullah, Refugee Wales project researcher, 15 Rhagfyr 2021

Dr Angham Abdullah (Cardiff University) is a Research Associate on the Refugee Wales project. The opinions expressed here are the author’s own. 

We all heard the news about the 27 refugees who drowned trying to cross the English Channel in an inflatable dinghy on the 24th of November 2021. They included women, one of them pregnant, and children as well as young men. This was the biggest single loss of life in the Channel recorded since the International Organisation for Migration started collecting data in 2014.

Boris Johnson described the tragedy as “appalling”.  I was hoping to hear a more genuine response that reflected the tragic loss of peoples’ lives. Those victims had strong reasons to risk their lives in that way. To them, putting their lives at the mercy of the waves was more endurable than an endless cycle of wars, violence, poverty, and persecution back home. 

A few days after the tragedy, we heard responses from UK officials who, instead of empathising with the victims and looking at the real causes of such tragedies, pointed fingers at the smugglers and negotiated stricter asylum rules. And before the bodies of the 27 victims were transferred to their homelands for final burial, the Home Secretary produced an even more “appalling” response by issuing the Nationality and Borders Bill.  Clause 9 of the Nationality and Borders Bill gives the government the right to deprive naturalised British citizens of their citizenship without informing them. Because of this, around 6 million naturalised persons in the UK will live in fear of being stripped of their British nationalities. 

I couldn't stop thinking about the Syrian refugees I've interviewed for the Refugee Wales Project. Some of them have recently arrived in the UK, while others have been trying to make sense of their new life and rebuild their future and that of their children. When I asked them what getting British Citizenship meant to them, the overall response was “safety and a better future for the children”. I wondered how they would feel when they realised that the British Citizenship, they were working towards could be taken away “without any previous notice”.

I have spent years of waiting, uncertainty, anxiety as well as my life savings in return for the British citizenship which my children and I were recently granted. We thought that this citizenship would enable us at last to plan for our future. The thought that it could be revoked “at any moment” has left us feeling insecure and uncertain. Like the sea victims, very many of us who sought to mend our broken lives on "the safe shores of Britain" will see our faith in the UK further shattered. 


Andrew Renton, 14 Rhagfyr 2021

Mae’r deunaw mis diwethaf wedi bod yn gyfnod heriol i’r byd i gyd: pandemig Covid-19, yr anghyfiawnder cymdeithasol a amlygwyd gan ymgyrch Mae Bywydau Du o Bwys, ac argyfwng hinsawdd sy’n teimlo’n gynyddol apocalyptaidd. Ar adeg fel hon, efallai eich bod chi’n dechrau amau beth yw gwerth celf.

Yn achos fy nghydweithwyr a minnau yn Amgueddfa Cymru, caiff y ddealltwriaeth bod celf yn bwysig i’n llesiant ac yn ffordd rymus o archwilio a mynegi syniadau ei hatgyfnerthu gan ein projectau Celf ar y Cyd, a ddatblygwyd i rannu’r celfyddydau ledled Cymru mewn ymateb i’r argyfwng iechyd. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn mynd â chelf i ysbytai i gefnogi staff a chleifion y GIG yn ystod y pandemig, ac fe sefydlon ni gylchgrawn ar-lein o’r enw Cynfas fel llwyfan newydd ar gyfer ymatebion creadigol a beirniadol i gasgliad celf Amgueddfa Cymru.

Mae llawer o’r gwaith celf ddefnyddion ni ar gyfer y projectau hyn wedi cyrraedd Amgueddfa Cymru gyda chefnogaeth elusen y Gronfa Gelf ( Mae’r Gronfa Gelf wedi bod yn helpu’r Amgueddfa i gaffael gwaith ar gyfer casgliad celf cenedlaethol Cymru ers 1928, ac maent wedi bod yn gefnogwr allweddol drwy gydol y cyfnod clo wrth i ni barhau i weithio ar ddatblygu’r casgliad. Dyma rai enghreifftiau.















Magdalene Odundo, Anghymesur I, 2016, teracota
Prynwyd gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf ac Ymddiriedolaeth Derek Williams
© Magdalene Odundo


I Magdalene Odundo, mae ei photiau’n cyfleu iaith ddynol fyd-eang. Mae gan Anghymesur I gymeriad anthropomorffig cryf, sy’n ymddangos fel pe bai’n cyfeirio at gorff benywaidd beichiog ac yn addo bywyd newydd. Gan dynnu ar draddodiadau Affricanaidd, mae’n pwysleisio grym potiau i wella ac i goffáu’r meirw, gan droi’r llestr hwn yn wrthrych huawdl i’r oes sydd ohoni.









Henri le Sidaner, Y Tŷ (La Maison), dim dyddiad, olew ar banel
Cymynrodd Daphne Llewellin o Frynbuga gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf


Un nodwedd a amlygwyd yn ystod y pandemig oedd y cysur mae pobl yn ei gael o fyd natur ac o fyw yn yr eiliad. Mae tri phaentiad bach Ffrengig o ddiwedd y 19eg ganrif a gaffaelwyd drwy’r Gronfa Gelf yn enghreifftiau da o sut mae artistiaid wedi bod yn arbennig o dda am hyn. Yn Y Tŷ, mae Henri Le Sidaner yn creu ymdeimlad o eiliad dawel o fyfyrio. Gallwch ddychmygu’r artist yn dabio paent yn gyflym ar draws ei banel bach i gyfleu’r golau a adlewyrchir oddi ar ffenestri a drws y tŷ hwn sydd wedi’i orchuddio â gwinwydd.









Paul Delance, Traeth â Ffigyrau’n Eistedd (La côte déserte), 1900, olew ar banel
Cymynrodd Daphne Llewellin o Frynbuga gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf








Paul Delance, Golygfa o Fryn, Sannois, Seine-et-Oise, 1890au, olew ar banel
Cymynrodd Daphne Llewellin o Frynbuga gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf


Yn Traeth â Ffigyrau’n Eistedd (La côte déserte) gan Paul Delance, gallwn deimlo’r artist yn gweithio’n gyflym ar draeth gwyntog ar arfordir Môr yr Iwerydd yn Ffrainc er mwyn cofnodi ymweliad iachusol â glan y môr gyda chyfeillion. Mae Golygfa o Fryn, Sannois, Seine-et-Oise yn waith personol iawn arall ganddo, y credir iddo gael ei baentio ar ôl marwolaeth ei wraig ym 1892, ac sy’n ei ddangos yn troi at gelf a natur fel ffynonellau cysur.









Paul Sandby, Llyn Llanberis, Castell Dolbadarn a’r Wyddfa (Llanberis Lake, Castle Dol Badern and the Great Mountain Snowdon), tua 1771, gouache ar bapur.
Prynwyd gyda chefnogaeth Cronfa Goffa’r Dreftadaeth Genedlaethol, y Gronfa Gelf a chymynrodd gan Mary Cashmore
Llun © Sotheby’s


Mae tirwedd Cymru wedi bod yn ffynhonnell ysbrydoliaeth a phleser ers amser maith. Dyma ddarganfu Paul Sandby ym 1771, pan aeth ar daith i ogledd Cymru yng nghwmni'r tirfeddiannwr ifanc a'r noddwr celf Syr Watkin Williams-Wynn. Mae ei gyfres hyfryd o 21 golygfa o’r daith hon yn dangos bod y twristiaid arloesol yn ymhyfrydu yn eu darganfyddiad o’r tir dramatig hwn. Un uchafbwynt oedd y daith ar gwch i Gastell Dolbadarn, yng nghysgod yr Wyddfa.










Bernd a Hilla Becher, Gweithfeydd Paratoi, 1966-1974, printiau arian gelatin
Prynwyd gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf ac Ymddiriedolaeth Henry Moore
© Ystâd Bernd a Hilla Becher


Mae treftadaeth ddiwydiannol Cymru hefyd wedi cynnig testun cyfoethog i artistiaid. Roedd yr artistiaid o’r Almaen, Bernd a Hilla Becher, yn fwyaf adnabyddus am eu teipolegau, sef ffotograffau o un math o strwythur diwydiannol wedi’u trefnu yn gridiau. Mae Gweithfeydd Paratoi, 1966-1974 yn cynnwys naw ffotograff a dynnwyd gan Bernd a Hilla ar ymweliadau â Phrydain rhwng 1966 a 1974, gan gynnwys pyllau glo’r de fel Glofeydd Penallta, Fernhill, y Brittanic a’r Tŵr. Gydag ecosystem ddiwydiannol gyfan y Cymoedd wedi diflannu erbyn hyn, mae’r delweddau hyn yn teimlo fel rhyw fath o gofeb.









Anna Boghiguian, A meteor fell from the sky, 2018, gosodwaith amlgyfrwng
Prynwyd gyda chefnogaeth y Gronfa Gelf ac Ymddiriedolaeth Derek Williams
Diolch i'r artist.


Pan wahoddwyd yr artist o Cairo, Anna Boghiguian, i gymryd rhan yn arddangosfa Artes Mundi 8 yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, fe ymdrochodd yn hanes diwydiant Cymru. Mae ei gosodwaith A meteor fell from the sky yn creu cysylltiadau rhwng Gweithfeydd Dur Tata Port Talbot a gweithfeydd dur y cwmni yn India, gan ganolbwyntio ar weithwyr dur a’u brwydr dros eu hawliau.








John Akomfrah, Vertigo Sea, 2015, gosodwaith fideo tair sianel

Wedi’i gaffael ar y cyd gyda Towner Eastbourne gyda chefnogaeth gan y Gronfa Gelf (gyda chyfraniad gan Sefydliad Wolfson), Ymddiriedolaeth Derek Williams, Ymddiriedolaeth The Search drwy’r Gymdeithas Celf Gyfoes a Chronfa Ddatblygu Casgliad Towner.
© Ffilmiau Smoking Dogs. Diolch i Oriel Lisson


Mae gosodwaith fideo John Akomfrah Vertigo Sea yn fyfyrdod grymus ar gamdriniaeth dynoliaeth o’r môr, o’r fasnach gaethweision a mudo modern i ddinistr yr amgylchedd morol. All y gwaith ddim bod yn fwy perthnasol i’n hoes ni heddiw, a gellir ei weld nawr yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd yn yr arddangosfa Rheolau Celf?


Andrew Renton
Ceidwad Celf